Source code for aurora.neutrals

"""Aurora functionality for edge neutral modeling. 
The ehr5 file from DEGAS2 is used. See for details.
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021 Francesco Sciortino
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

from matplotlib import cm
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit, least_squares
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import urllib
import shutil, os, copy
from scipy.constants import e, h, c as c_light, Rydberg
from scipy.interpolate import interp2d
import requests

from . import plot_tools
from . import radiation
from . import adas_files

if "AURORA_ADAS_DIR" in os.environ:
    # if user indicated a directory for atomic data, use that
    atomic_data_dir = os.environ["AURORA_ADAS_DIR"]
    # location of the "adas_data" directory relative to this script:
    atomic_data_dir = (
        os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.sep + "adas_data" + os.sep

[docs]def download_ehr5_file(): """Download the ehr5.dat file containing atomic data describing the multi-step ionization and recombination of hydrogen. See for details. """ filename = "ehr5.dat" url = "" r = requests.get(url) # write file to directory where ADAS data is also located with open(atomic_data_dir + "/ehr5.dat", "wb") as f: f.write(r.content) print("Successfully downloaded the DEGAS2 ehr5.dat file.")
[docs]class ehr5_file: """Read ehr5.dat file from DEGAS2. Returns a dictionary containing - Ionization rate Seff in :math:`cm^3 s^{-1}` - Recombination rate Reff in :math:`cm^3 s^{-1}` - Neutral electron losses :math:`E_{loss}^{(i)}` in :math:`erg s^{-1}` - Continuum electron losses :math:`E_{loss}^{(ii)}` in :math:`erg s^{-1}` - Neutral “n=2 / n=1”, :math:`N_2^{(i)}/N_1` - Continuum “n=2 / n=1”, :math:`N_2^{(ii)}/N_11 - Neutral “n=3 / n=1”, :math:`N_3^{(i)}/N_1` - Continuum “n=3 / n=1”, :math:`N_3^{(ii)}/N_1` ... and similarly for n=4 to 9. Refer to the DEGAS2 manual for details. """ def __init__(self, filepath=None): """Load ehr5.dat file, either from the indicated path or by downloading it locally. Keyword Args: filepath : str, optional Path of ehr5.dat file to use. If left to None, the file is downloaded from the web and saved locally. Results for each of the fields in the `fields` attribute will be available in the `res` attribute in the form of a dictionary. Refer to the DEGAS2 manual for a description of these fields. """ if filepath is None: if not os.path.exists(atomic_data_dir + "/ehr5.dat"): # if ehr5.dat file is not available, download it download_ehr5_file() self.filepath = atomic_data_dir + "/ehr5.dat" else: self.filepath = filepath = 10 ** np.array( [10 + (jn - 1.0) / 2.0 for jn in np.arange(1, 16)] ) # cm^{-3} self.Te = 10 ** np.array( [-1.2 + (jt - 1.0) / 10.0 for jt in np.arange(1, 61)] ) # eV self.fields = [ "Seff", "Reff", "Ei_loss", "Eii_loss", "n3i_n1", "n3ii_n1", "n2i_n1", "n2ii_n1", "n4i_n1", "n4ii_n1", "n5i_n1", "n5ii_n1", "n6i_n1", "n6ii_n1", "n7i_n1", "n7ii_n1", "n8i_n1", "n8ii_n1", "n9i_n1", "n9ii_n1", ] # get data self.load()
[docs] def load(self): self.res = {} with open(self.filepath) as f: for field in self.fields: data = np.zeros((15, 60)) # read header header = f.readline() for jn in np.arange(15): # loop over 15 densities _jn_index = f.readline() arr = [] for jt_row in np.arange(10): # 10 rows of 6 values each for Te elems = [ val for val in f.readline().strip().split(" ") if val != "" ] line = [float(val) for val in elems] data[jn, jt_row * 6 : (jt_row + 1) * 6] = np.array(line) _dum = f.readline() # empty line at the end self.res[field] = copy.deepcopy(data)
[docs] def plot(self, field="Seff", fig=None, axes=None): colormap = cm.rainbow if fig is None or axes is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ls_cycle = plot_tools.get_ls_cycle() labels = ["{:.2e}".format(val) + " cm${-3}$" for val in] for i in np.arange(len(labels)): ax.plot( np.log10(self.Te), self.res[field][i, :], next(ls_cycle), label=labels[i], ) ax.set_xlabel("$\log T_e\ \mathrm{[eV]}$", fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(field, fontsize=16) ax.legend()
[docs]def get_exc_state_ratio( m, N1, ni, ne, Te, rad_prof=None, rad_label=r"rmin [cm]", plot=False ): r"""Compute density of excited states in state `m` (m>1), given the density of ground state atoms. This function is not l-resolved. The function returns .. math:: N_m/N_1 = \left(\frac{N_m^i}{N_1} \right) N_m + \left(\frac{N_m^{ii}}{n_i} \right) n_i where :math:`N_m` is the number of electrons in the excited state :math:`m`, :math:`N_1` is the number in the ground state, and :math:`n_i` is the density of ions that could recombine. :math:`i` and :math:`ii` indicate terms corresponding to coupling to the ground state and to the continuum, respectively. Ref.: DEGAS2 manual. Parameters ---------- m : int Principal quantum number of excited state of interest. 2<m<10 N1 : float, list or 1D-array [:math:`cm^{-3}`] Density of ions in the ground state. This must have the same shape as ni! ni : float, list or 1D-array [:math:`cm^{-3}`] Density of ions corresponding to the atom under consideration. This must have the same shape as N1! ne : float, list or 1D-array [:math:`cm^{-3}`] Electron density to evaluate atomic rates at. Te : float, list or 1D-array [:math:`eV`] Electron temperature to evaluate atomic rates at. rad_prof : list, 1D array or None If None, excited state densities are evaluated at all the combinations of ne,Te and zip(Ni,ni). If a 1D array (same length as ne,Te,ni and N1), then this is taken to be a radial coordinate for radial profiles of ne,Te,ni and N1. rad_label : str When rad_prof is not None, this is the label for the radial coordinate. plot : bool Display the excited state ratio Returns ------- Nm : array of shape [len(ni)=len(N1),len(ne),len(Te)] Density of electrons in excited state `n` [:math:`cm^{-3}`] """ if m <= 1: raise ValueError( "Excited state principal quantum number must be greater than 1!" ) if m > 9: raise ValueError("Selected excited state value not available!") ne = np.atleast_1d(ne) Te = np.atleast_1d(Te) ni = np.atleast_1d(ni) N1 = np.atleast_1d(N1) if rad_prof is not None: # if a radial profile is being computed, ne, Te, ni and N1 must all have the same length assert len(ne) == len(Te) and len(ne) == len(ni) and len(ne) == len(N1) # get CR model results: atom = ehr5_file() # coupling to the ground state: ground_coupling = atom.res["n{}i_n1".format(m)] cont_coupling = atom.res["n{}ii_n1".format(m)] if rad_prof is not None: # evaluate along radial profiles gc_interp = interp2d(, atom.Te, ground_coupling.T) gc = np.array([float(gc_interp(XX, YY)) for XX, YY in zip(ne, Te)]) cc_interp = interp2d(, atom.Te, cont_coupling.T) cc = np.array([float(cc_interp(XX, YY)) for XX, YY in zip(ne, Te)]) else: # evaluate at all combinations of points gc = interp2d(, atom.Te, ground_coupling.T)(ne, Te).T cc = interp2d(, atom.Te, cont_coupling.T)(ne, Te).T N1 = np.rollaxis(np.tile(N1, (cc.shape[0], cc.shape[1], 1)), axis=2) ni = np.rollaxis(np.tile(ni, (cc.shape[0], cc.shape[1], 1)), axis=2) gc = np.tile(gc, (len(N1), 1, 1)) cc = np.tile(cc, (len(N1), 1, 1)) # combine coupling to ground state and to continuum Nm = gc * N1 + cc * ni Nm_ground = gc * N1 Nm_cont = cc * ni if plot: # plot only the first provided value of value of N1 and ni ls_style = plot_tools.get_ls_cycle() if rad_prof is not None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(rad_prof, Nm / N1, next(ls_style), lw=2) ax.set_ylabel(r"$N_{}/N_1$".format(m), fontsize=16) ax.set_xlabel(rad_label, fontsize=16) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 8)) labels_Te = ["{:.2e}".format(val) + " eV" for val in Te] for jt in np.arange(len(Te)): ax[0].semilogx( ne, Nm[0, :, jt] / N1[0], next(ls_style), lw=2, label=labels_Te[jt] ) ax[0].legend(loc="best") ax[0].set_title("$N_1$=%.2e m$^{-3}$, $n_i$=%.2e m$^{-3}$" % (N1[0], ni[0])) ax[0].set_ylabel(r"$N_{}/N_1$".format(m), fontsize=16) ax[0].set_xlabel(r"$n_e$ [cm$^{-3}$]", fontsize=16) labels_ne = ["{:.2e}".format(val) + " cm$^{-3}$" for val in ne] for jn in np.arange(len(ne)): ax[1].semilogx( Te, Nm[0, jn, :] / N1[0], next(ls_style), lw=2, label=labels_ne[jn] ) ax[1].legend(loc="best") ax[1].set_title("$N_1$=%.2e m$^{-3}$, $n_i$=%.2e m$^{-3}$" % (N1[0], ni[0])) ax[1].set_xlabel(r"$T_e$ [eV]", fontsize=16) plt.tight_layout() return Nm, Nm_ground, Nm_cont
[docs]def plot_exc_ratios( n_list=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], ne=1e13, ni=1e13, Te=50, N1=1e12, ax=None, ls="-", c="r", label=None, ): """Plot :math:`N_i/N_1`, the ratio of hydrogen neutral density in the excited state `i` and the ground state, for given electron density and temperature. Parameters ---------- n_list : list of integers List of excited states (principal quantum numbers) to consider. ne : float Electron density in :math:`cm^{-3}`. ni : float Ionized hydrogen density [:math:`cm^{-3}`]. This may be set equal to ne for a pure plasma. Te : float Electron temperature in :math:`eV`. N1 : float Density of ground state hydrogen [:math:`cm^{-3}`]. This is needed because the excited state fractions depend on the balance of excitation from the ground state and coupling to the continuum. ax : matplotlib.axes instance, optional Axes instance on which results should be plotted. ls : str Line style to use c : str or other matplotlib color specification Color to use in plots label : str Label to use in scatter plot. Returns ------- Ns : list of arrays List of arrays for each of the n-levels requested, each containing excited state densities at the chosen densities and temperatures for the given ground state density. """ Ns = np.zeros(len(n_list)) for i, n in enumerate(n_list): Ns[i], _, _ = get_exc_state_ratio(m=n, N1=N1, ni=ne, ne=ne, Te=Te, plot=False) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.scatter(n_list, Ns / N1, c=c, label=label, s=50.0) ax.set_xlabel("n", fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(r"$N_i/N_1$", fontsize=16) ax.set_ylim([0, np.max(Ns / N1) * 1.1]) return Ns
[docs]def Lya_to_neut_dens( emiss_prof, ne, Te, ni=None, plot=True, rhop=None, rates_source="adas", axs=None ): """Estimate ground state neutral density from measured emissivity profiles. This ignores possible molecular dynamics and effects that may be captured via forward modeling of neutral transport. Parameters ---------- emiss_prof : 1D array Emissivity profile, units of :math:`W/cm` ne : 1D array Electron density, units of :math:`cm^{-3}` Te : 1D array Electron temperature, units of :math:`eV` ni : 1D array Main ion (H/D/T) density, units of :math:`cm^{-3}`. If left to None, this is internally set to ni=ne. plot : bool If True, plot some of the key density profiles. rhop : 1D array Sqrt of normalized poloidal flux radial coordinate. Used only for plotting. rates_source : str Source of atomic rates. Possible choices are 'adas' or 'colrad' axs : Axes instance If given, plot on these axes. Returns ------------ N1 : 1D array Radial profile of estimated ground state atomic neutral density on the same grid as the input arrays. Units of :math:`cm^{-3}`. Examples -------------- >>> N2_colrad,axs = Lya_to_neut_dens_basic(emiss_prof, ne, Te, ni, >>> plot=True, rhop=rhop, rates_source='colrad') >>> N2_adas,axs = Lya_to_neut_dens_basic(emiss_prof, ne, Te, ni, plot=True, rhop=rhop, >>> rates_source='adas',axs=axs) """ assert len(emiss_prof) == len(ne) and len(ne) == len(Te) if ni is None: ni = copy.deepcopy(ne) else: assert len(ne) == len(ni) thirteenpointsix = h * c_light * Rydberg / e A_21 = 4.699e8 # s^-1 E_21 = thirteenpointsix * (1.0 - 2.0 ** (-2.0)) * e # J # n=2 population in cm^-3 N2 = emiss_prof / (A_21 * E_21) if rates_source == "colrad": # use rates from COLRAD code atom = ehr5_file() ground_coupling = atom.res["n2i_n1"] cont_coupling = atom.res["n2ii_n1"] # atomic data is on a grid in units of cm^-3, eV gc_interp = interp2d(, atom.Te, ground_coupling.T) gc = np.array( [float(gc_interp(XX, YY)) for XX, YY in zip(ne, Te)] ) # Nm/N1 from exc cc_interp = interp2d(, atom.Te, cont_coupling.T) cc = np.array( [float(cc_interp(XX, YY)) for XX, YY in zip(ne, Te)] ) # Nm/N1 from recomb # ground state density # N1 = (N2 - cc * ni)/gc N1 = ( N2 / gc ) # continuum recomb term not well constrained, but should be small. Ignore it elif rates_source == "adas": filename = "pec96#h_pju#h0.dat" # for D Ly-alpha # fetch file automatically, locally, from AURORA_ADAS_DIR, or directly from the web: path = adas_files.get_adas_file_loc(filename, filetype="adf15") log10pec_dict = radiation.read_adf15(path) # , plot_lines=[1215.2]) # evaluate these interpolations on our profiles pec_recomb = 10 ** log10pec_dict[1215.2]["recom"].ev(np.log10(ne), np.log10(Te)) pec_exc = 10 ** log10pec_dict[1215.2]["excit"].ev(np.log10(ne), np.log10(Te)) N1 = ( ( emiss_prof / E_21 ) - (ni * ne * pec_recomb) ) / (ne * pec_exc) if plot: if rhop is None: print("No rhop array was given!") rhop = np.arange(len(N1)) if axs is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 7)) else: ax = axs sel = np.argmin(np.abs(rhop - 0.9)) if axs is None: # plot this only the first time ax[0].plot(rhop[sel:], N2[sel:], label=r"$N_2$") ax[0].semilogy(rhop[sel:], N1[sel:], label=rf"{rates_source} $N_1$") ax[1].semilogy( rhop[sel:], N1[sel:] / ne[sel:], label=rf"{rates_source} $N_1/n_e$" ) ax[0].set_ylim([1e10, None]) ax[1].set_ylim([1e-5, None]) ax[0].set_ylabel(r"Neutral density [$cm^{{-3}}$]") ax[1].set_ylabel(r"Density ratio") ax[0].legend() ax[1].legend() ax[1].set_xlabel(r"$\rho_p$") else: ax = None return N1, ax