Source code for aurora.nbi_neutrals

Methods for neutral beam analysis, particularly in relation to impurity transport studies.
These script collects functions that should be device-agnostic.
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021 Francesco Sciortino
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, interp1d, interp2d
import copy, itertools

from .janev_smith_rates import js_sigma
from .plot_tools import get_ls_cycle
from . import atomic

[docs]def get_neutrals_fsa(neutrals, geqdsk, debug_plots=True): """Compute charge exchange recombination for a given impurity with neutral beam components, obtaining rates in [:math:`s^{-1}`] units. This method expects all neutral components to be given in a dictionary with a structure that is independent of NBI model (i.e. coming from FIDASIM, NUBEAM, pencil calculations, etc.). Parameters ---------- neutrals : dict Dictionary containing fields {"beams","names","R","Z", beam1, beam2, etc.} Here beam1,beam2,etc. are the names in neutrals["beams"]. "names" are the names of each beam component, e.g. 'fdens','hdens','halo', etc., ordered according to "names". "R","Z" are the major radius and vertical coordinates [cm] on which neutral density components are given in elements such as .. code-block:: python neutrals[beams[0]]["n=0"][name_idx] It is currently assumed that n=0,1 and 2 beam components are provided by the user. geqdsk : dictionary output of `omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk.OMFITgeqdsk` class gEQDSK post-processed dictionary, as given by `omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk`. debug_plots : bool, optional If True, various plots are displayed. Returns ------- neut_fsa : dict Dictionary of flux-surface-averaged (FSA) neutral densities, in the same units as in the input. Similarly to the input "neutrals", this dictionary has a structure like .. code-block:: python neutrals_ext[beam][f'n={n_level}'][name_idx] """ beams = neutrals["beams"] names = neutrals["names"] zz = neutrals["Z"] / 1e2 # cm --> m rr = neutrals["R"] / 1e2 # cm --> m if debug_plots: # for debugging/plotting: RBBBS = geqdsk["RBBBS"] ZBBBS = geqdsk["ZBBBS"] fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.contourf(rr, zz, neutrals[beams[0]]["n=0"][0].T) ax.plot(RBBBS, ZBBBS, "w--", lw=5) ax.set_xlabel("R [m]") ax.set_ylabel("Z [m]") # simple way to find rhop at any combination of R,Z coords: RHOpRZ = geqdsk["AuxQuantities"]["RHOpRZ"] Rgrid = geqdsk["AuxQuantities"]["R"] # m Zgrid = geqdsk["AuxQuantities"]["Z"] # m # extrapolate beam to cover the entire 2D poloidal cross section, # setting all neutral populations to 0 outside of the simulated region neutrals_ext = {} for beam in beams: neutrals_ext[beam] = {} for n_level in [0, 1, 2]: neutrals_ext[beam][f"n={n_level}"] = {} for ii, name in enumerate(names): dens = neutrals[beam][f"n={n_level}"][ii] f = interp2d( rr, zz, dens.T, kind="linear", bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0 ) tmp = f(Rgrid, Zgrid) tmp[tmp < 0] = 0.0 neutrals_ext[beam][f"n={n_level}"][name] = tmp if debug_plots: fig, ax = plt.subplots() CS = ax.contourf(Rgrid, Zgrid, neutrals_ext[beam]["n=0"]["fdens"]) cbar = fig.colorbar(CS)"f density [$cm^{-3}$]") ax.plot(RBBBS, ZBBBS, c="w", lw=5) ax.axis("equal") CS = plt.contour(Rgrid, Zgrid, RHOpRZ, np.linspace(0.0, 1.2, 13), c="w") plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=14) ax.set_xlabel("R [m]") ax.set_ylabel("Z [m]") # Get flux surface average quantities: neut_fsa = {} rhop = neut_fsa["rhop"] = geqdsk["AuxQuantities"]["RHOp"] neut_fsa["names"] = names for beam in beams: neut_fsa[beam] = {} for n_level in [0, 1, 2]: neut_fsa[beam][f"n={n_level}"] = {} for ii, name in enumerate(names): dens = neutrals_ext[beam][f"n={n_level}"][name] # flux surface average def avg_function(r, z): return RectBivariateSpline(Zgrid, Rgrid, dens, kx=1, ky=1).ev(z, r) neut_fsa[beam][f"n={n_level}"][name] = geqdsk["fluxSurfaces"].surfAvg( function=avg_function ) for beam in beams: # store beam component energies neut_fsa[beam]["f_energy"] = neutrals[beam]["f_energy"] # keV neut_fsa[beam]["h_energy"] = neutrals[beam]["h_energy"] # keV neut_fsa[beam]["t_energy"] = neutrals[beam]["t_energy"] # keV neut_fsa[beam]["m_beam"] = neutrals[beam]["m_beam"] # amu neut_fsa["m_bckg"] = copy.deepcopy(neutrals["m_bckg"]) # amu if debug_plots: ls_cycle = get_ls_cycle() # plot FSA neutral densities fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(9, 6, forward=True) a1 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=4, colspan=3) a2 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 3), rowspan=4, colspan=1) for beam in beams: for n_level in [0, 1, 2]: for name in ["fdens", "hdens", "tdens", "dcx+halo"]: if name == "dcx+halo": name = "halo" # simple renaming lss = next(ls_cycle) a1.plot(rhop, neut_fsa[beam][f"n={n_level}"][name], lss, lw=2.0) a2.plot([], [], lss, lw=2.0, label=f"{beam} {name}, n={n_level+1}") a1.set_xlabel(r"$\rho_{p}$") a1.set_ylabel("FSA density") a2.axis("off") a2.legend(fontsize=14) # fig.tight_layout() return neut_fsa
[docs]def get_NBI_imp_cxr_q( neut_fsa, q, rhop_kp, times_kp, Ti_eV, ne_cm3, include_fast=True, include_halo=True, debug_plots=False, ): """Compute flux-surface-averaged (FSA) charge exchange recombination for a given impurity with neutral beam components, applying appropriate Maxwellian averaging of cross sections and obtaining rates in [:math:`s^-1`] units. This method expects all neutral components to be given in a dictionary with a structure that is independent of NBI model. Note that while Ti and ne may be time-dependent, with a time base given by times_kp, the FSA neutrals are expected to be time-independent. Hence, the resulting CXR rates will only have time dependence that reflects changes in Ti and ne, but not the NBI. Parameters ---------- neut_fsa : dict Dictionary containing FSA neutral densities in the form that is output by :py:meth:`get_neutrals_fsa`. q : int or float Charge of impurity species rhop_kp : array-like Sqrt of poloidal flux radial coordinate for Ti profiles. times_kp : array-like Time base on which Ti_eV is given [s]. Ti_eV : array-like Ion temperature profile on the rhop_kp, times_kp bases, in units of :math:`eV`. ne_cm3 : array-like Electron density profile on the rhop_kp, times_kp bases, in units of :math:`cm^{-3}`. include_fast : bool, optional If True, include CXR rates from fast NBI neutrals. Default is True. include_halo : bool, optional If True, include CXR rates from themral NBI halo neutrals. Default is True. debug_plots : bool, optional If True, plot several plots to assess the quality of the calculation. Returns ------- rates : dict Dictionary containing CXR rates from NBI neutrals. This dictionary has analogous form to the :py:meth:`get_neutrals_fsa` function, e.g. we have .. code-block:: python rates[beam][f'n={n_level}']['halo'] Rates are on a radial grid corresponding to the input neut_fsa['rhop']. Notes ----- For details on inputs and outputs, it is recommendeded to look at the internal plotting functions. """ m_bckg = neut_fsa["m_bckg"] # amu rhop = neut_fsa["rhop"] if len(times_kp) == 1: Ti_keV_interp = np.atleast_2d( interp1d(rhop_kp, Ti_eV[:, 0] / 1e3, bounds_error=False, fill_value=3e-3)( rhop ) ).T ne_cm3_interp = np.atleast_2d(interp1d(rhop_kp, ne_cm3[:, 0])(rhop)).T else: Ti_keV_interp = RectBivariateSpline(times_kp, rhop_kp, Ti_eV / 1e3)( times_kp, rhop ) ne_cm3_interp = RectBivariateSpline(times_kp, rhop_kp, ne_cm3)(times_kp, rhop) # collect rates for each energy component and excited state (ONLY fast neutrals here) rates = {} rates["rhop"] = rhop rates["times"] = times_kp rates["cxr_total"] = np.zeros((len(rhop), len(times_kp))) # setup dictionaries here in case include_fast=False for beam in beams: rates[beam] = {} rates[beam]["cxr_total"] = np.zeros((len(rhop), len(times_kp))) for n_level in [0, 1, 2]: rates[beam][f"n={n_level}"] = {} if include_fast: # compute impurity recombination rate with fast neutral populations for beam in beams: m_beam = neut_fsa[beam]["m_beam"] # amu for n_level in [0, 1, 2]: for comp in ["f", "h", "t"]: rates[beam][f"n={n_level}"][comp] = {} # energy of each beam component energy = neut_fsa[beam][f"{comp}_energy"] # keV # create cross section function only as a function of energy/amu for Maxwellian average sigma_fun = lambda E_per_amu: js_sigma( E_per_amu, q, n1=n_level + 1, type="cx" ) # cm^2 rate = bt_rate_maxwell_average( sigma_fun, Ti_keV_interp, energy, m_bckg, m_beam, n_level + 1.0 ) # .T rates[beam][f"n={n_level}"][comp] = ( rate * neut_fsa[beam][f"n={n_level}"][f"{comp}dens"][:, np.newaxis] ) # we are eventually interested in the total: rates[beam]["cxr_total"] += rates[beam][f"n={n_level}"][comp] # sum over all beams: rates["cxr_total"] += rates[beam]["cxr_total"] if include_halo: # fetch CCD file for W from ADAS and only pick appropriate charge (Rydberg assumption) atom_data = atomic.get_atom_data("W", files=["ccd"]) alpha_cx_rates = atomic.interp_atom_prof( atom_data["ccd"], np.log10(ne_cm3_interp), np.log10(Ti_keV_interp * 1e3), x_multiply=False, ) # cm^3/s rate = alpha_cx_rates[:, q - 1, 0] # no recombination of neutral stage # Now add recombination from halo neutrals (all thermal interactions) - n-unresolved for impurities for beam in beams: m_beam = neut_fsa[beam]["m_beam"] # amu for n_level in [0, 1, 2]: rates[beam][f"n={n_level}"]["halo"] = ( rate[:, None] * neut_fsa[beam][f"n={n_level}"]["dcx+halo"][:, None] ) rates[beam]["cxr_total"] += rates[beam][f"n={n_level}"]["halo"] rates["cxr_total"] += rates[beam][f"n={n_level}"]["halo"] if debug_plots: ls_cycle = get_ls_cycle() fig = plt.figure() fig.set_size_inches(9, 6, forward=True) a1 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=4, colspan=3) a2 = plt.subplot2grid((4, 4), (0, 3), rowspan=4, colspan=1) for beam in beams: for n_level in [0, 1, 2]: if include_fast: for comp in ["f", "h", "t"]: # time average to reduce number of lines lss = next(ls_cycle) a1.plot( rhop, np.mean(rates[beam][f"n={n_level}"][comp], axis=-1), lss, ) a2.plot( [], [], lss, lw=2.0, label=f"{beam} {comp}-energy, n={n_level+1}", ) if include_halo: lss = next(ls_cycle) a1.plot( rhop, np.mean(rates[beam][f"n={n_level}"]["halo"], axis=-1), lss ) a2.plot([], [], lss, lw=2.0, label=f"{beam} halo, n={n_level+1}") lss = next(ls_cycle) a1.plot(rhop, np.mean(rates[beam]["cxr_total"], axis=-1), lss) a2.plot([], [], lss, label=f"beam {beam} CXR total") lss = next(ls_cycle) a1.plot(rhop, rates["cxr_total"], lss) a2.plot([], [], lss, label=f"CXR total") a1.set_xlabel(r"$\rho_p$") a1.set_ylabel(rf"CXR rate (q={q}) [$s^{{-1}}$]") a2.legend(fontsize=14) a2.axis("off") fig.tight_layout() return rates
[docs]def beam_grid(uvw_src, axis, max_radius=255.0): """Method to obtain the 3D orientation of a beam with respect to the device. The uvw_src and (normalized) axis arrays may be obtained from the d3d_beams method of in the FIDASIM module in OMFIT. This is inspired by `beam_grid` in of the FIDASIM module (S. Haskey) in OMFIT. """ pos = uvw_src + 100 * axis rsrc = np.sqrt(uvw_src[0] ** 2 + uvw_src[1] ** 2) if rsrc < max_radius: print( "Source radius:{} cannot be less then max_radius:{}".format( rsrc, max_radius ) ) raise ValueError() dis = np.sqrt(np.sum((uvw_src - pos) ** 2.0)) beta = np.arcsin((uvw_src[2] - pos[2]) / dis) alpha = np.arctan2((pos[1] - uvw_src[1]), (pos[0] - uvw_src[0])) gamma = 0.0 # Find where the origin has to be along the beam injection # axis so that x=0 is at a radius of max_radius a = axis[0] ** 2 + axis[1] ** 2 b = 2 * (uvw_src[0] * axis[0] + uvw_src[1] * axis[1]) c = uvw_src[0] ** 2 + uvw_src[1] ** 2 - max_radius**2 t = (-b - sqrt(b**2 - 4 * a * c)) / (2 * a) origin = uvw_src + t * axis return alpha, beta, gamma, origin
[docs]def rotation_matrix(alpha, beta, gamma): """See the table of all rotation possiblities, on the Tait Bryan side """ a = alpha b = beta g = gamma sa = np.sin(a) ca = np.cos(a) sb = np.sin(b) cb = np.cos(b) sg = np.sin(g) cg = np.cos(g) R = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=float) R[0, 0] = ca * cb R[0, 1] = ca * sb * sg - cg * sa R[0, 2] = sa * sg + ca * cg * sb R[1, 0] = cb * sa R[1, 1] = ca * cg + sa * sb * sg R[1, 2] = cg * sa * sb - ca * sg R[2, 0] = -sb R[2, 1] = cb * sg R[2, 2] = cb * cg return R
[docs]def uvw_xyz(u, v, w, origin, R): """ Computes array elements by multiplying the rows of the first array by the columns of the second array. The second array must have the same number of rows as the first array has columns. The resulting array has the same number of rows as the first array and the same number of columns as the second array. See uvw_to_xyz in fidasim.f90 """ u, v, w = np.atleast_1d(u), np.atleast_1d(v), np.atleast_1d(w) orig_shape = u.shape order = "C" uvw = np.transpose( np.array( [u.flatten(order=order), v.flatten(order=order), w.flatten(order=order)] ) ) uvw_shifted = np.transpose(uvw - origin[np.newaxis, :]) basis = np.linalg.inv(R) xyz =, uvw_shifted) x, y, z = ( xyz[0, :].reshape(orig_shape, order="C"), xyz[1, :].reshape(orig_shape, order="C"), xyz[2, :].reshape(orig_shape, order="C"), ) return x, y, z
[docs]def xyz_uvw(x, y, z, origin, R): """ Computes array elements by multiplying the rows of the first array by the columns of the second array. The second array must have the same number of rows as the first array has columns. The resulting array has the same number of rows as the first array and the same number of columns as the second array. See xyz_to_uvw in fidasim.f90 """ x, y, z = np.atleast_1d(x), np.atleast_1d(y), np.atleast_1d(z) orig_shape = x.shape order = "C" xyz = np.array( [x.flatten(order=order), y.flatten(order=order), z.flatten(order=order)] ) basis = R uvw =, xyz) + origin[:, np.newaxis] u, v, w = ( uvw[0, :].reshape(orig_shape, order="C"), uvw[1, :].reshape(orig_shape, order="C"), uvw[2, :].reshape(orig_shape, order="C"), ) return u, v, w
[docs]def bt_rate_maxwell_average(sigma_fun, Ti_keV, E_beam, m_bckg, m_beam, n_level): """Calculates Maxwellian reaction rate for a beam with atomic mass "m_beam", energy "E_beam", firing into a target with atomic mass "m_bckg" and temperature "T". The "sigma_fun" argument must be a function for a specific charge and n-level of the beam particles. Ref: FIDASIM atomic_tables.f90 bt_maxwellian_n_m. Parameters ---------- sigma_fun: :py:meth Function to compute a specific cross section [:math:`cm^2`], function of energy/amu ONLY. Expected call form: sigma_fun(erel/ared) Ti_keV : float, 1D or 2D array Target temperature [keV]. Results will be computed for each Ti_keV value in a vectorized manner. E_beam : float Beam energy [keV] m_bckg : float Target atomic mass [amu] m_beam : float Beam atomic mass [amu] n_level :int n-level of beam. This is used to evaluate the hydrogen ionization potential, below which an electron is unlikely to charge exchange with surrounding ions. Returns ------- rate : float, 1D or 2D array output reaction rate in [cm^3/s] units """ from scipy import constants as consts # enforce expected shape Ti_keV = np.atleast_2d(Ti_keV) # radial and parallel velocity grids, in units of thermal velocity vr = np.linspace(0.0, 4.0, 30) vz = np.linspace(-4, 4.0, 60) # normalized energy and temperature E_beam_per_amu = E_beam / m_beam # E_bar T_per_amu = np.maximum(Ti_keV, 1.0e-6) / m_bckg # T_bar # beam/target reduced mass: ared = m_bckg * m_beam / (m_bckg + m_beam) dE = (13.6e-3) / (n_level**2) # hydrogen ionization potential v_therm = np.sqrt(2.0 * T_per_amu * 1.0e3 * consts.e / consts.m_p) * 1e2 zb = np.sqrt(E_beam_per_amu / T_per_amu) # sqrt(E_bar/T_bar) u2_to_erel = ared * T_per_amu if ared <= 0.5: # for electron interactions ared = 1.0 fr = np.zeros((Ti_keV.shape[0], Ti_keV.shape[1], len(vr))) fz = np.zeros((Ti_keV.shape[0], Ti_keV.shape[1], len(vz))) for i in np.arange(len(vz)): for j in np.arange(len(vr)): # relative square velocity: u2 = (zb - vz[i]) ** 2 + vr[j] ** 2 Erel = u2_to_erel * u2 sig = np.zeros_like(Erel) mask = ( Erel >= dE ) # no possible interaction below hydrogen ionization potential sig[mask] = sigma_fun(Erel[mask] / ared) fr[:, :, j] = ( sig * np.sqrt(u2) * np.exp(-(vz[i] ** 2.0 + vr[j] ** 2.0)) * vr[j] ) fz[:, :, i] = scipy.integrate.simps(fr, vr, axis=-1) # effective maxwellian-averaged rate: sig_eff = (2.0 / np.sqrt(np.pi)) * scipy.integrate.simps(fz, vz, axis=-1) rate = sig_eff * v_therm return rate
[docs]def tt_rate_maxwell_average(sigma_fun, Ti_keV, m_i, m_n, n_level): """Calculates Maxwellian reaction rate for an interaction between two thermal populations, assumed to be of neutrals (mass m_n) and background ions (mass m_i). The 'sigma_fun' argument must be a function for a specific charge and n-level of the neutral particles. This allows evaluation of atomic rates for charge exchange interactions between thermal beam halos and background ions. Parameters ---------- sigma_fun: python function Function to compute a specific cross section [:math:`cm^2`], function of energy/amu ONLY. Expected call form: sigma_fun(erel/ared) Ti_keV: float or 1D array background ion and halo temperature [keV] m_i: float mass of background ions [amu] m_n: float mass of neutrals [amu] n_level: int n-level of beam. This is used to evaluate the hydrogen ionization potential, below which an electron is unlikely to charge exchange with surrounding ions. Returns ------- rate : float or 1D array output reaction rate in [:math:`cm^3/s`] units Notes ----- This does not currently account for the effect of rotation! Doing so will require making the integration in this function 2-dimensional. """ Ti_keV = np.atleast_1d(Ti_keV) vz = np.linspace(0, 4.0, 60) Erel = Ti_keV[:, np.newaxis] * vz[np.newaxis, :] ** 2 # normalized energy and temperature T_per_amu = np.maximum(Ti_keV, 1.0e-6) / m_n # T_bar integrand = ( lambda erel: bt_rate_maxwell_average(sigma_fun, Ti_keV, erel, m_i, m_n, n_level) * (2.0 * m_n * erel) ** (-0.5) * np.exp(-erel / Ti_keV) ) dE = (13.6e-3) / (n_level**2) # hydrogen ionization potential sigma = np.zeros_like(Erel) for ie in np.arange(len(vz)): # loop over vz mask = ( Erel[:, ie] >= dE ) # no possible interaction below hydrogen ionization potential sigma[mask, ie] = bt_rate_maxwell_average( sigma_fun, Ti_keV[mask], Erel[mask, ie], m_i, m_n, n_level ) prefactor = np.sqrt(2.0 / (np.pi * T_per_amu)) ** (-0.5) sigmav = prefactor * scipy.integrate.simps(sigma, Erel, axis=-1) return sigmav