Source code for aurora.kn1d

Aurora functionality to set up and run KN1D to extract atomic and neutral 
background densities at the edge. 

KN1D is a 1D kinetic neutral code originally developed by B.LaBombard (MIT). 
For information, refer to the `KN1D manual  <>`__ .

Note that this Aurora module is merely a wrapper of KN1D. Users require an
IDL license on the computer where this module is called in order to be able to 
run KN1D. The IDL (and Fortran) code themselves are automatically downloaded and
compiled by this module.
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021 Francesco Sciortino
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
# copies or substantial portions of the Software.

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import numpy as np
import os
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.constants import e, h, c as c_light, Rydberg
import copy

from . import neutrals
from . import coords

thisdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

def _setup_kin_profs(
    """Private method to set up kinetic profiles to the format required by
    :py:func:`~aurora.kn1d.run_kn1d`. Refer to this function for descriptions of inputs.

    This function returns ne, Te and Ti profiles on the rmid_to_wall_cm radial grid,
    from the core to the wall.

    rhop : 1D array
        Sqrt of poloidal flux grid on which ne_cm3, Te_eV and Ti_eV are given.
    ne_cm3_in : 1D array
        Electron density on rhop grid [:math:`cm^{-3}`].
    Te_eV_in : 1D array
        Electron temperature on rhop grid [:math:`eV`].
    Ti_eV_in : 1D array
        Main ion temperature on rhop grid [:math:`eV`].
    geqdsk : `omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk.OMFITgeqdsk` class instance
        gEQDSK file as processed by the `omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk.OMFITgeqdsk` class.
    bound_sep_cm : float
        Distance between the wall/boundary and the separatrix [:math:`cm`].
    lim_sep_cm : float
        Distance between the limiter and the separatrix [:math:`cm`].
    kin_prof_exp_decay_SOL : bool
        If True, kinetic profiles are set to exponentially decay over the SOL region.
    kin_prof_exp_decay_LS : bool
        If True, kinetic profiles are set to exponentially decay over the LS region.
    ne_decay_len_cm : list of 2 float
        Exponential decay lengths of electron density in the SOL and LS regions.
        Default is [1,1] :math:`cm`.
    Te_decay_len_cm : float
        Exponential decay lengths of electron temperature in the SOL and LS regions.
        Default is [1,1] :math:`cm`.
    Ti_decay_len_cm : float
        Exponential decay lengths of main ion temperature in the SOL and LS regions.
        Default is [1,1] :math:`cm`.
    ne_min_cm3 : float
        Minimum electron density across profile. Default is :math:`10^{12} cm^{-3}`.
    Te_min_eV : float
        Minimum electron temperaure across profile. Default is :math:`eV`.
    Ti_min_eV : float
        Minimum main ion temperaure across profile. Default is :math:`eV`.

    rmid_to_wall_cm : 1D array
        Midradius coordinate from the magnetic axis to the wall. Units of [:math:`cm`].
    ne_cm3 : 1D array
        Electron density [:math:`cm^{-3}`] on the rmid_to_wall_cm grid.
    Te_eV : 1D array
        Electron temperature [:math:`eV`] on the rmid_to_wall_cm grid.
    Ti_eV : 1D array
        Main ion temperature [:math:`eV`] on the rmid_to_wall_cm grid.

    # convert radial coordinate to rmid
    rmid = coords.rad_coord_transform(rhop, "rhop", "rmid", geqdsk)  # m

    # define radial regions in the SOL in coordinates centered on the mag axis
    rsep = coords.rad_coord_transform(1.0, "rhop", "rmid", geqdsk)
    rwall = rsep + bound_sep_cm * 1e-2  # cm-->m
    rlim = rsep + lim_sep_cm * 1e-2  # cm-->m

    # interpolate profiles on grid extending to wall
    rmid_to_wall_m = np.linspace(np.min(rmid), rwall, 1001)  # 101) #201)
    _ne_cm3 = interp1d(rmid, ne_cm3_in, bounds_error=False)(
    )  # extrapolates to nan
    _Te_eV = interp1d(rmid, Te_eV_in, bounds_error=False)(
    )  # extrapolates to nan
    _Ti_eV = interp1d(rmid, Ti_eV_in, bounds_error=False)(
    )  # extrapolates to nan

    indLCFS = np.searchsorted(rmid_to_wall_m, rsep)
    indLS = np.searchsorted(rmid_to_wall_m, rlim)
    ind_end = np.searchsorted(rmid_to_wall_m, rmid[-1])

    # if kinetic profiles don't extend far enough in radius, we must set an exp decay depending on the radial region
    if ind_end < indLS:
        # decays in SOL (all the way to the wall)
        ne_cm3_sol = _ne_cm3[ind_end - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end:] - rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end - 1])
            / (ne_decay_len_cm[0] / 100.0)
        ne_cm3_ = np.concatenate((_ne_cm3[:ind_end], ne_cm3_sol))
        Te_eV_sol = _Te_eV[ind_end - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end:] - rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end - 1])
            / (Te_decay_len_cm[0] / 100.0)
        Te_eV_ = np.concatenate((_Te_eV[:ind_end], Te_eV_sol))
        Ti_eV_sol = _Ti_eV[ind_end - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end:] - rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end - 1])
            / (Ti_decay_len_cm[0] / 100.0)
        Ti_eV_ = np.concatenate((_Ti_eV[:ind_end], Ti_eV_sol))
        ne_cm3_ = copy.deepcopy(_ne_cm3)
        Te_eV_ = copy.deepcopy(_Te_eV)
        Ti_eV_ = copy.deepcopy(_Ti_eV)

    if ind_end < len(rmid_to_wall_m):
        # decays in the LS
        ne_cm3_ls = ne_cm3_[ind_end - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end:] - rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end - 1])
            / (ne_decay_len_cm[1] / 100.0)
        ne_cm3 = np.concatenate((ne_cm3_[:ind_end], ne_cm3_ls))
        Te_eV_ls = Te_eV_[ind_end - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end:] - rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end - 1])
            / (Te_decay_len_cm[1] / 100.0)
        Te_eV = np.concatenate((Te_eV_[:ind_end], Te_eV_ls))
        Ti_eV_ls = Ti_eV_[ind_end - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end:] - rmid_to_wall_m[ind_end - 1])
            / (Ti_decay_len_cm[1] / 100.0)
        Ti_eV = np.concatenate((Ti_eV_[:ind_end], Ti_eV_ls))
        ne_cm3 = copy.deepcopy(ne_cm3_)
        Te_eV = copy.deepcopy(Te_eV_)
        Ti_eV = copy.deepcopy(Ti_eV_)

    # User may want to set exp decay in SOL or LS in place of dubious experimental data
    if kin_prof_exp_decay_SOL:
        # decays in the SOL
        ne_cm3[indLCFS:indLS] = ne_cm3[indLCFS - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[indLCFS:indLS] - rmid_to_wall_m[indLCFS - 1])
            / (ne_decay_len_cm[0] / 100.0)
        Te_eV[indLCFS:indLS] = Te_eV[indLCFS - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[indLCFS:indLS] - rmid_to_wall_m[indLCFS - 1])
            / (Te_decay_len_cm[0] / 100.0)
        Ti_eV[indLCFS:indLS] = Ti_eV[indLCFS - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[indLCFS:indLS] - rmid_to_wall_m[indLCFS - 1])
            / (Ti_decay_len_cm[0] / 100.0)

    if kin_prof_exp_decay_LS:
        # decays in the LS
        ne_cm3[indLS:] = ne_cm3[indLS - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[indLS:] - rmid_to_wall_m[indLS - 1])
            / (ne_decay_len_cm[1] / 100.0)
        Te_eV[indLS:] = Te_eV[indLS - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[indLS:] - rmid_to_wall_m[indLS - 1])
            / (Te_decay_len_cm[1] / 100.0)
        Ti_eV[indLS:] = Ti_eV[indLS - 1] * np.exp(
            -(rmid_to_wall_m[indLS:] - rmid_to_wall_m[indLS - 1])
            / (Ti_decay_len_cm[1] / 100.0)

    # set minima across radial profiles
    ne_cm3[ne_cm3 < ne_min_cm3] = ne_min_cm3
    Te_eV[Te_eV < Te_min_eV] = Te_min_eV
    Ti_eV[Ti_eV < Ti_min_eV] = Ti_min_eV

    return rmid_to_wall_m, ne_cm3, Te_eV, Ti_eV

[docs]def run_kn1d( rhop, ne_cm3, Te_eV, Ti_eV, geqdsk, p_H2_mTorr, clen_divertor_cm, clen_limiter_cm, bound_sep_cm, lim_sep_cm, innermost_rmid_cm=5.0, mu=2.0, pipe_diag_cm=0.0, vx=0.0, collisions={}, kin_prof_exp_decay_SOL=False, kin_prof_exp_decay_LS=False, ne_decay_len_cm=[1.0, 1.0], Te_decay_len_cm=[1.0, 1.0], Ti_decay_len_cm=[1.0, 1.0], ne_min_cm3=1e12, Te_min_eV=1.0, Ti_min_eV=1.0, plot_kin_profs=False, ): """Run KN1D for the given parameters. Refer to the KN1D manual for details. Depending on the provided options, kinetic profiles are extended beyond the Last Closed Flux Surface (LCxFS) and the Limiter Shadow (LS) via exponential decays with specified decay lengths. It is assumed that the given kinetic profiles extend from the core until at least the LCFS. All inputs are taken to be time-independent. This function automatically checks if a KN1D repository is available; if it is not, it obtains it from the web and compiles the necessary code. Note that an IDL license must be available. Aurora does not currently include a Python translation of KN1D -- it only acts as a wrapper. Parameters ---------- rhop : 1D array Sqrt of poloidal flux grid on which ne_cm3, Te_eV and Ti_eV are given. ne_cm3 : 1D array Electron density on rhop grid [:math:`cm^{-3}`]. Te_eV : 1D array Electron temperature on rhop grid [:math:`eV`]. Ti_eV : 1D array Main ion temperature on rhop grid [:math:`eV`]. geqdsk : `omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk.OMFITgeqdsk` class instance gEQDSK file as processed by the `omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk.OMFITgeqdsk` class. p_H2_mTorr : float Pressure of molecular hydrogen-isotopes measured at the wall. This may be estimated from experimental pressure gauges. This variable effectively sets the amplitude of the neutral source at the edge. Units of :math:`mTorr`. clen_divertor_cm : float Connection length from the midplane to the divertor [:math:`cm`]. clen_limiter_cm : float Connection length from the midplane to the limiter [:math:`cm`]. bound_sep_cm : float Distance between the wall/boundary and the separatrix [:math:`cm`]. lim_sep_cm : float Distance between the limiter and the separatrix [:math:`cm`]. innermost_rmid_cm : float Distance from the wall to solve for. Default is 5 cm. mu : float Atomic mass number of simulated species. Default is 2.0 (D). pipe_diag_cm : float Diameter of the pipe through which H2 pressure is measured (see `p_H2_mTorr` variable). If left to 0, this diameter is effectively set to infinity. Default is 0. vx : float Radial velocity imposed on neutrals. This only has a weak effect usually. Default is 0 [:math:`cm/s`]. collisions : dict Collision terms flags. Set each to True or False. If any of the flags are not given, all collision terms are internally set to be active. Possible flags are 'H2_H2_EL','H2_P_EL','H2_H_EL','H2_HP_CX','H_H_EL','H_P_CX','H_P_EL','Simple_CX' kin_prof_exp_decay_SOL : bool If True, kinetic profiles are set to exponentially decay over the SOL region. kin_prof_exp_decay_LS : bool If True, kinetic profiles are set to exponentially decay over the LS region. ne_decay_len_cm : list of 2 float Exponential decay lengths of electron density in the SOL and LS regions. Default is [1,1] :math:`cm`. Te_decay_len_cm : float Exponential decay lengths of electron temperature in the SOL and LS regions. Default is [1,1] :math:`cm`. Ti_decay_len_cm : float Exponential decay lengths of main ion temperature in the SOL and LS regions. Default is [1,1] :math:`cm`. ne_min_cm3 : float Minimum electron density across profile. Default is :math:`10^{12} cm^{-3}`. Te_min_eV : float Minimum electron temperaure across profile. Default is :math:`eV`. Ti_min_eV : float Minimum main ion temperaure across profile. Default is :math:`eV`. plot_kin_profs : bool If True, kinetic profiles input to KN1D are plotted. Returns ------- dict KN1D results and inputs, all collected into a dictionary. See example script for an illustration of using this. Notes ----- For an example application, see the examples/ script. """ if "IDL_STARTUP" not in os.environ and "IDL_HOME" not in os.environ: raise ValueError( "An IDL installation does not seem to be available! KN1D cannot be run." ) cwd = os.getcwd() # make sure that the KN1D source code is accessible. if "KN1D" not in os.listdir(thisdir): # if 'KN1D_DIR' not in os.environ: # git clone the KN1D repository os.system(f"git clone {thisdir}/KN1D") os.chdir(f"{thisdir}/KN1D") # compile fortran libraries print(f"export KN1D_DIR={thisdir}/KN1D; make clean; make") os.system(f"export KN1D_DIR={thisdir}/KN1D; make clean; make") os.chdir(cwd) # else: # copy KN1D directory locally # shutil.copytree(os.environ['KN1D_DIR'],thisdir+'/KN1D') else: # KN1D directory already available, assumed to be already built # NB: users need to have write-access to this directory! pass kn1d = {} kn1d.update(collisions) if "H2_H2_EL" not in kn1d: kn1d["H2_H2_EL"] = True if "H2_P_EL" not in kn1d: kn1d["H2_P_EL"] = True if "H2_H_EL" not in kn1d: kn1d["H2_H_EL"] = True if "H2_HP_CX" not in kn1d: kn1d["H2_HP_CX"] = True if "H_H_EL" not in kn1d: kn1d["H_H_EL"] = True if "H_P_CX" not in kn1d: kn1d["H_P_CX"] = True if "H_P_EL" not in kn1d: kn1d["H_P_EL"] = True if "Simple_CX" not in kn1d: kn1d["Simple_CX"] = False # get kinetic profiles on rmid_to_wall_m grid, applying exponential decays in SOL as requested rmid_to_wall_m, _ne_cm3, _Te_eV, _Ti_eV = _setup_kin_profs( rhop, ne_cm3, Te_eV, Ti_eV, geqdsk, bound_sep_cm, lim_sep_cm, kin_prof_exp_decay_SOL, kin_prof_exp_decay_LS, ne_decay_len_cm, Te_decay_len_cm, Ti_decay_len_cm, ne_min_cm3, Te_min_eV, Ti_min_eV, ) if plot_kin_profs: # show kinetic profiles going into KN1D modeling plot_input_kin_prof( rmid_to_wall_m, _ne_cm3, _Te_eV, _Ti_eV, innermost_rmid_cm, bound_sep_cm, lim_sep_cm, ) rhop = coords.rad_coord_transform(rmid_to_wall_m, "rmid", "rhop", geqdsk) rwall_m = rmid_to_wall_m[-1] # m rsep_m = coords.rad_coord_transform(1.0, "rhop", "rmid", geqdsk) # m rlim_m = rsep_m + lim_sep_cm * 1e-2 # m # KN1D defines coordinates from the wall INWARD. Invert now: r_kn1d_m = np.abs(rmid_to_wall_m - rwall_m)[::-1] rlim_kn1d_m = np.abs(rlim_m - rwall_m) rsep_kn1d_m = np.abs(rsep_m - rwall_m) # diameter of pressure gauge pipe. Allows collisions with side-walls to be simulated dPipe = ( pipe_diag_cm * np.ones(len(rmid_to_wall_m)) * 1e-2 ) # m -- zero values are treated as infinity # define the connection length vector lc = np.zeros(len(rmid_to_wall_m)) lc[(rsep_m < rmid_to_wall_m) * (rmid_to_wall_m < rlim_m)] = ( clen_divertor_cm * 1e-2 ) # m lc[rmid_to_wall_m > rlim_m] = clen_limiter_cm * 1e-2 # m def idl_array(arr, num): # set arrays into string form for IDL format return "[" + ",".join([str(round(val, num)) for val in arr]) + "]" def round_arr(arr, num, dtype=str): # avoid issues with floating-point precision return np.array([round(val, num) for val in arr], dtype=dtype) # cut all radial profiles to given innermost location ind_in = np.searchsorted( r_kn1d_m, innermost_rmid_cm * 1e-2 ) # r_kn1d_m is from wall inwards # Save arrays in final forms for KN1D num = 5 # digital point precision kn1d["x"] = round_arr(r_kn1d_m[:ind_in], num, float) ne_ = _ne_cm3[::-1] * 1e6 kn1d["ne_m3"] = round_arr(ne_[:ind_in], num, float) # m^-3 Te_ = _Te_eV[::-1] kn1d["Te_eV"] = round_arr(Te_[:ind_in], num, float) # eV Ti_ = _Ti_eV[::-1] kn1d["Ti_eV"] = round_arr(Ti_[:ind_in], num, float) # eV dPipe_ = dPipe[::-1] kn1d["dPipe"] = round_arr(dPipe_[:ind_in], num, float) lc_ = lc[::-1] kn1d["lc"] = round_arr(lc_[:ind_in], num, float) kn1d["xlim"] = rlim_kn1d_m kn1d["xsep"] = rsep_kn1d_m kn1d["p_H2_mTorr"] = p_H2_mTorr # mTorr kn1d["mu"] = mu # finally, set plasma radial velocity profile (negative is towards the wall [m s^-1]) vx = np.ones_like(kn1d["x"]) * vx kn1d["vx"] = round_arr(vx, num, float) # Create IDL script to run KN1D idl_cmd = """ ; Input data for KN1D run x = {x:} x_lim = {x_lim:.5f} xsep = {xsep:.5f} gaugeH2 = {gaugeH2:} mu = {mu:} Ti = {Ti:} Te = {Te:} dens = {ne:} vx = {vx:} lc = {lc:} dPipe = {dPipe:} ; collisions options are set via a common block common KN1D_collisions,H2_H2_EL,H2_P_EL,H2_H_EL,H2_HP_CX,H_H_EL,H_P_EL,H_P_CX,Simple_CX H2_H2_EL= {H2_H2_EL:} H2_P_EL = {H2_P_EL:} H2_H_EL = {H2_H_EL:} H_H_EL= {H_H_EL:} H_P_CX = {H_P_CX:} H_P_EL = {H_P_EL:} Simple_CX = {Simple_CX:} ; now run KN1D kn1d,x,x_lim,xsep,gaugeH2,mu,Ti,Te,dens,vx,lc,dPipe, xh2,nh2,gammaxh2,th2,qxh2_total,nhp,thp,sh,sp, xh,nh,gammaxh,th,qxh_total,nethsource,sion,qh_total,sidewallh,lyman,balmer,gammahlim ; save result to an IDL .sav file save,xh2,nh2,gammaxh2,th2,qxh2_total,nhp,thp,sh,sp, xh,nh,gammaxh,th,qxh_total,nethsource,sion,qh_total,sidewallh,lyman,balmer,gammahlim,filename = "kn1d_out.sav" exit """.format( x=idl_array(kn1d["x"], num), x_lim=kn1d["xlim"], xsep=kn1d["xsep"], gaugeH2=kn1d["p_H2_mTorr"], mu=kn1d["mu"], Ti=idl_array(kn1d["Ti_eV"], num), Te=idl_array(kn1d["Te_eV"], num), ne=idl_array(kn1d["ne_m3"], num), vx=idl_array(kn1d["vx"], num), lc=idl_array(kn1d["lc"], num), dPipe=idl_array(kn1d["dPipe"], num), H2_H2_EL=int(kn1d["H2_H2_EL"]), H2_P_EL=int(kn1d["H2_P_EL"]), H2_H_EL=int(kn1d["H2_H_EL"]), H_H_EL=int(kn1d["H_H_EL"]), H_P_CX=int(kn1d["H_P_CX"]), H_P_EL=int(kn1d["H_P_EL"]), Simple_CX=int(kn1d["Simple_CX"]), ) # write IDL file with open(f"{thisdir}/KN1D/", "w") as f: f.write(idl_cmd) # Run the script os.system(f"cd {thisdir}/KN1D; idl") #### store all KN1D data for postprocessing ##### res = {} # res['ins'] = kn1d # store inputs for plotting out = res["out"] ="{thisdir}/KN1D/kn1d_out.sav") res["kn1d_input"] ="{thisdir}/KN1D/.KN1D_input") res["kn1d_mesh"] ="{thisdir}/KN1D/.KN1D_mesh") res["kn1d_H2"] ="{thisdir}/KN1D/.KN1D_H2") res["kn1d_H"] ="{thisdir}/KN1D/.KN1D_H") os.chdir(cwd) # --------------------------- # Additional processed outputs # Compute ion flux by integrating over atomic ionization rate Sion = out["sion"] Sion_interp = interp1d(out["xh"], Sion, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)( kn1d["x"] ) out["Gamma_i"] = cumtrapz(Sion_interp, kn1d["x"], initial=0.0) # Effective diffusivity out["D_eff"] = np.abs( out["Gamma_i"] / np.gradient(kn1d["ne_m3"], kn1d["x"]) ) # check # ensure that x bases are all to the same accuracy to avoid issues in interpolation out["xh"] = round_arr(out["xh"], num, dtype=float) out["xh2"] = round_arr(out["xh2"], num, dtype=float) # gradient length scales out["L_ne"] = np.abs(1.0 / np.gradient(np.log(kn1d["ne_m3"]), kn1d["x"])) out["L_Te"] = np.abs(1.0 / np.gradient(np.log(kn1d["Te_eV"]), kn1d["x"])) out["L_Ti"] = np.abs(1.0 / np.gradient(np.log(kn1d["Ti_eV"]), kn1d["x"])) #### Calculate radial profiles of neutral excited states #### # take KN1D neutral density profile to be the ground state (excited states are a small correction wrt this) N1 = interp1d(out["xh"], out["nh"], kind="linear")(kn1d["x"]) # assume pure plasma and quasi-neutrality nhp_interp = interp1d(out["xh2"], out["nhp"], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)( kn1d["x"] ) # nH2+ out["ni"] = kn1d["ne_m3"] - nhp_interp # get profiles of excited states' density (only n=2 and n=3) ---- densities in cm^-3, Te in eV N2, N2_ground, N2_cont = neutrals.get_exc_state_ratio( m=2, N1=N1 / 1e6, ni=out["ni"] / 1e6, ne=kn1d["ne_m3"] / 1e6, Te=kn1d["Te_eV"], plot=False, rad_prof=kn1d["x"], ) N3, N3_ground, N3_cont = neutrals.get_exc_state_ratio( m=3, N1=N1 / 1e6, ni=out["ni"] / 1e6, ne=kn1d["ne_m3"] / 1e6, Te=kn1d["Te_eV"], plot=False, rad_prof=kn1d["x"], ) out["N2"] = N2 * 1e6 # transform back to m^-3 (all KN1D units are in SI units) out["N2_ground"] = N2_ground * 1e6 out["N2_cont"] = N2_cont * 1e6 out["N3"] = N3 * 1e6 out["N3_ground"] = N3_ground * 1e6 out["N3_cont"] = N3_cont * 1e6 # store rwall_m to allow external coordinate conversions out["rwall_m"] = rwall_m ################################# # Store neutral density profiles in a format that can be used for integrated modeling out_profs = res["kn1d_profs"] = {} # save profiles on (inverted) grid extending all the way to the axis (extrapolating) _rhop = coords.rad_coord_transform( rwall_m - kn1d["x"][::-1], "rmid", "rhop", geqdsk ) out_profs["rhop"] = np.linspace(0.0, 1.1, 200) out_profs["n0"] = np.exp( interp1d(_rhop, np.log(N1[::-1]), bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")( out_profs["rhop"] ) ) out_profs["n0_n2"] = np.exp( interp1d( _rhop, np.log(out["N2"][::-1]), bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate" )(out_profs["rhop"]) ) out_profs["n0_n3"] = np.exp( interp1d( _rhop, np.log(out["N3"][::-1]), bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate" )(out_profs["rhop"]) ) # also save profiles of Ly- and H/D-alpha _rhop_emiss = coords.rad_coord_transform( rwall_m - out["xh"][::-1], "rmid", "rhop", geqdsk ) out_profs["lyman"] = np.exp( interp1d( _rhop_emiss, np.log(out["lyman"][::-1]), bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate", )(out_profs["rhop"]) ) out_profs["balmer"] = np.exp( interp1d( _rhop_emiss, np.log(out["balmer"][::-1]), bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate", )(out_profs["rhop"]) ) return res
[docs]def plot_input_kin_prof( rmid_to_wall_m, ne_cm3, Te_eV, Ti_eV, innermost_rmid_cm, bound_sep_cm, lim_sep_cm ): """Plot extent of kinetic profiles entering KN1D calculation""" fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(8, 8), sharex=True) axs[0].plot(rmid_to_wall_m * 1e2, ne_cm3) axs[1].plot(rmid_to_wall_m * 1e2, Te_eV) axs[2].plot(rmid_to_wall_m * 1e2, Ti_eV) axs[-1].set_xlabel(r"$r_{mid}$ [cm]") axs[0].set_ylabel(r"$n_e$ [$cm^{-3}$]") axs[1].set_ylabel(r"$T_e$ [$eV$]") axs[2].set_ylabel(r"$T_i$ [$eV$]") indin = np.argmin( np.abs( rmid_to_wall_m * 100 - (np.max(rmid_to_wall_m) * 100.0 - innermost_rmid_cm) ) ) axs[0].set_ylim([0, np.max(ne_cm3[indin:])]) axs[0].grid(True) axs[1].set_ylim([0, np.max(Te_eV[indin:])]) axs[1].grid(True) axs[2].set_ylim([0, np.max(Ti_eV[indin:])]) axs[2].grid(True) axs[0].set_xlim( [ np.max(rmid_to_wall_m) * 100.0 - innermost_rmid_cm, np.max(rmid_to_wall_m) * 100.0, ] ) plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) # also show location of limiter and LCFS: axs[0].axvline(np.max(rmid_to_wall_m) * 1e2 - bound_sep_cm, c="m") axs[1].axvline(np.max(rmid_to_wall_m) * 1e2 - bound_sep_cm, c="m") axs[2].axvline(np.max(rmid_to_wall_m) * 1e2 - bound_sep_cm, c="m") axs[0].axvline(np.max(rmid_to_wall_m) * 1e2 - (bound_sep_cm - lim_sep_cm), c="m") axs[1].axvline(np.max(rmid_to_wall_m) * 1e2 - (bound_sep_cm - lim_sep_cm), c="m") axs[2].axvline(np.max(rmid_to_wall_m) * 1e2 - (bound_sep_cm - lim_sep_cm), c="m")
[docs]def plot_overview(res): """Plot an overview of a KN1D run, showing both kinetic profile inputs and a small selection of the outputs. Parameters ---------- res : dict Output dictionary from function :py:func:`~aurora.kn1d.run_kn1d`. """ ins = res["kn1d_input"] outs = res["out"] fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 10)) mu = int(ins["mu"]) species = "H" if mu == 1 else "D" (line,) = ax[0].plot(ins["x"], ins["n"] / 1e19, lw=2.0) c = line.get_color() ax[1].semilogy(ins["x"], ins["te"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="-", label=r"$T_e$") ax[1].semilogy(ins["x"], ins["ti"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="--", label=r"$T_i$") ax[1].semilogy( outs["xh"], outs["th"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="-.", label=rf"$T_{species}$" ) ax[2].semilogy(outs["xh"], outs["nh"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="-", label=rf"$n_{species}$") ax[2].semilogy( outs["xh2"], outs["nh2"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="--", label=r"$n_{%s2}$" % species ) ax[2].semilogy( outs["xh2"], outs["nhp"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="-.", label=r"$n_{%s2}^+$" % species ) # quasineutrality in a pure plasma: nH+ = ne - nH2+ (NB: NH2+ is saved as nhp) nhp_interp = interp1d(outs["xh2"], outs["nhp"], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)( ins["x"] ) ax[2].semilogy( ins["x"], ins["n"] - nhp_interp, lw=2.0, c=c, ls=":", label=r"$n_e - n_{%s2}^+$" % species, ) ax[3].semilogy( outs["xh"], outs["sion"] / 1e20, lw=2.0, c=c, label="Atomic ionization rate" ) # annotate location of limiter and LCFS ax[0].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[0].axvline(ins["xsep"]) ax[1].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[1].axvline(ins["xsep"]) ax[2].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[2].axvline(ins["xsep"]) ax[3].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[3].axvline(ins["xsep"]) dist = ins["xlimiter"] / 10.0 # convenient rule-of-thumb for plotting ax[0].annotate( "Limiter", (ins["xlimiter"] + dist, 0.5 * ax[0].get_ylim()[1]), fontsize=14, rotation=90, ) ax[0].annotate( "LCFS", (ins["xsep"] + dist, 0.5 * ax[0].get_ylim()[1]), fontsize=14, rotation=90, ) # reduce number of ticks from default for n_ax in [0, 1, 2, 3]: nyticks = len(ax[n_ax].get_yticks()) ax[n_ax].set_yticks(ax[n_ax].get_yticks()[::2]) # set every other ylabel/ticks to the right ax[1].yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax[1].yaxis.tick_right() ax[3].yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax[3].yaxis.tick_right() ax[0].set_ylabel(r"$n_e$ [$10^{19}$ $m^{-3}$]") ax[1].set_ylabel(r"$eV$") ax[2].set_ylabel(r"$m^{-3}$") ax[3].set_ylabel(r"$10^{20}$ $m^{-3}$") ax[-1].set_xlabel("Distance from the wall [m]") # legends # ax[0].legend(fontsize=14, loc='best') ax[1].legend(fontsize=14, loc="best") ax[2].legend(fontsize=14, loc="best") ax[3].legend(fontsize=14, loc="best")
[docs]def plot_exc_states(res): """Plot excited state fractions of atomic neutral density from a KN1D run. Parameters ---------- res : dict Output dictionary from function :py:func:`~aurora.kn1d.run_kn1d`. """ ins = res["kn1d_input"] outs = res["out"] fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 10)) _ne = interp1d(ins["x"], ins["n"], bounds_error=False, fill_value="extrapolate")( outs["xh"] ) (line,) = ax[0].semilogy(outs["xh"], outs["nh"] / _ne, lw=2.0) c = line.get_color() ax[1].plot(outs["xh"], outs["nh"], c=c, lw=2.0) ax[2].plot(ins["x"], outs["N2"], c=c, lw=2.0, ls="-", label="total") ax[2].plot(ins["x"], outs["N2_ground"], c=c, lw=2.0, ls="--", label="from ground") ax[2].plot(ins["x"], outs["N2_cont"], c=c, lw=2.0, ls="-.", label="from cont.") ax[3].plot(ins["x"], outs["N3"], c=c, ls="-", lw=2.0, label="total") ax[3].plot(ins["x"], outs["N3_ground"], c=c, lw=2.0, ls="--", label="from ground") ax[3].plot(ins["x"], outs["N3_cont"], c=c, lw=2.0, ls="-.", label="from cont.") # annotate location of limiter and LCFS ax[0].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[0].axvline(ins["xsep"]) ax[1].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[1].axvline(ins["xsep"]) ax[2].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[2].axvline(ins["xsep"]) ax[3].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[3].axvline(ins["xsep"]) dist = ins["xlimiter"] / 10.0 # convenient rule-of-thumb for plotting ax[0].annotate( "Limiter", (ins["xlimiter"] + dist, 1e-3 * ax[0].get_ylim()[1]), fontsize=14, rotation=90, ) ax[0].annotate( "LCFS", (ins["xsep"] + dist, 1e-3 * ax[0].get_ylim()[1]), fontsize=14, rotation=90, ) ax[0].set_ylabel(r"$n_{n,1}/n_e$") # ax[0].legend(loc='best') ax[1].set_ylabel(r"$n_{n,1}$ [m$^{-3}$]") ax[2].set_ylabel(r"$n_{n,2}$ [m$^{-3}$]") ax[2].legend(loc="best") ax[3].set_ylabel(r"$n_{n,3}$ [m$^{-3}$]") ax[3].legend(loc="best") ax[-1].set_xlabel("Distance from the wall [m]")
[docs]def plot_emiss(res, check_collrad=True): """Plot profiles of Ly-a and D-alpha emissivity from the KN1D output. KN1D internally computes Ly-a and D-alpha emission using the Johnson-Hinnov coefficients; here we check the result of that calculation and compare it to the prediction from atomic data from the COLLRAD collisional-radiative model included in DEGAS2. Parameters ---------- res : dict Output dictionary from function :py:func:`~aurora.kn1d.run_kn1d`. check_collrad : bool If True, compare KN1D prediction of Ly-a and D-a emission using Johnson-Hinnov rates using rates from COLLRAD. """ ins = res["kn1d_input"] outs = res["out"] mu = int(ins["mu"]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 8)) (line,) = ax[0].plot(outs["xh"], outs["lyman"], ls="-") c = line.get_color() ax[1].plot(outs["xh"], outs["balmer"], "-", c=c, label="KN1D (JH)") # annotate location of limiter and LCFS ax[0].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[0].axvline(ins["xsep"]) ax[1].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[1].axvline(ins["xsep"]) dist = ins["xlimiter"] / 10.0 # convenient rule-of-thumb for plotting ax[0].annotate( "Limiter", (ins["xlimiter"] + dist, 0.5 * ax[0].get_ylim()[1]), fontsize=14, rotation=90, ) ax[0].annotate( "LCFS", (ins["xsep"] + dist, 0.5 * ax[0].get_ylim()[1]), fontsize=14, rotation=90, ) ax[-1].set_xlabel("Distance from the wall [m]") # --------------- if check_collrad: # test KN1D calculation of Ly-a and D-a thirteenpointsix = h * c_light * Rydberg / e E_32 = thirteenpointsix * (2.0 ** (-2.0) - 3.0 ** (-2.0)) * e # J E_21 = thirteenpointsix * (1.0 - 2.0 ** (-2.0)) * e # J # Balmer wavelengths from DEGAS2: # \lambda_{H_\alpha} ~ 6562.80 A # \lambda_{D_\alpha} ~ 6561.04 A # \lambda_{T_\alpha} ~ 6560.45 A # Lyman series spontaneous emission coeffs for n=2 to 1, 3 to 1, ... 16 to 1 A_lyman = [ 4.699e8, 5.575e7, 1.278e7, 4.125e6, 1.644e6, 7.568e5, 3.869e5, 2.143e5, 1.263e5, 7.834e4, 5.066e4, 3.393e4, 2.341e4, 1.657e4, 1.200e4, ] # Balmer series spontaneous emission coeffs for n=3 to 2, 4 to 2, ... 17 to 2 A_balmer = [ 4.41e7, 8.42e6, 2.53e6, 9.732e5, 4.389e5, 2.215e5, 1.216e5, 7.122e4, 4.397e4, 2.83e4, 18288.8, 12249.1, 8451.26, 5981.95, 4332.13, ] A_21 = A_lyman[0] # Ly-alpha A_32 = A_balmer[0] # D-alpha Ly_alpha = interp1d( ins["x"], E_21 * outs["N2"] * A_21, kind="linear", bounds_error=False )( outs["xh"] ) # J/s/m^3 D_alpha = interp1d( ins["x"], E_32 * outs["N3"] * A_32, kind="linear", bounds_error=False )( outs["xh"] ) # J/s/m^3 ax[0].plot(outs["xh"], Ly_alpha, "--", c=c) ax[1].plot(outs["xh"], D_alpha, "--", c=c, label="collrad") ax[0].set_ylabel(r"Ly-alpha [W m$^{-3}$]") ax[1].set_ylabel( rf'{"H" if mu == 1 else "D"}-alpha [W m$^{-3}$]' ) # 656.28 nm in air ax[-1].set_xlabel("Distance from the wall [m]") ax[0].legend(loc="best") ax[1].legend(loc="best")
[docs]def plot_transport(res): """Make a simple set of plots of gradient scale lengths and effective diffusion coefficients from the KN1D output. Parameters ---------- res : dict Output dictionary from function :py:func:`~aurora.kn1d.run_kn1d`. """ ins = res["kn1d_input"] outs = res["out"] fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(10, 7.5)) (line,) = ax[0].plot(ins["x"], outs["L_ne"], lw=2.0, label=r"$L_{n_e}$") c = line.get_color() ax[0].plot(ins["x"], outs["L_Te"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="--", label=r"$L_{T_e}$") ax[0].plot(ins["x"], outs["L_Ti"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="-.", label=r"$L_{T_i}$") # Effective diffusivity from Gamma_i/\nabla(n_e) ax[1].plot(ins["x"], outs["D_eff"], lw=2.0, c=c) # atomic and ion source profiles ax[2].plot(outs["xH2"], outs["sh"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="-", label="Atomic source") ax[2].plot(outs["xH2"], outs["sp"], lw=2.0, c=c, ls="--", label="Ion source") # annotate location of limiter and LCFS ax[0].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[0].axvline(ins["xsep"]) ax[1].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[1].axvline(ins["xsep"]) ax[2].axvline(ins["xlimiter"]) ax[2].axvline(ins["xsep"]) dist = ins["xlimiter"] / 10.0 # convenient rule-of-thumb for plotting ax[0].annotate( "Limiter", (ins["xlimiter"] + dist, 0.5 * ax[0].get_ylim()[1]), fontsize=14, rotation=90, ) ax[0].annotate( "LCFS", (ins["xsep"] + dist, 0.5 * ax[0].get_ylim()[1]), fontsize=14, rotation=90, ) ax[0].legend(fontsize=16, loc="best") ax[1].set_ylabel(r"$D_{eff}$ [$m^2$ $s^{-1}$]", fontsize=16) # ax[1].legend(fontsize=16, loc='best') ax[2].set_ylabel(r"$m^{-3}$ $s^{-1}$", fontsize=16) ax[2].legend(fontsize=16, loc="best") ax[-1].set_xlabel("Distance from the wall [m]")