Source code for aurora.core

"""This module includes the core class to set up simulations with :py:mod:`aurora`. The :py:class:`~aurora.core.aurora_sim` takes as input a namelist dictionary and a g-file dictionary (and possibly other optional argument) and allows creation of grids, interpolation of atomic rates and other steps before running the forward model.
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021 Francesco Sciortino
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
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import os, sys
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d, RectBivariateSpline
from scipy.constants import e as q_electron, m_p
import pickle as pkl
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.integrate import cumtrapz
from scipy.linalg import solve_banded
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from . import interp
from . import atomic
from . import grids_utils
from . import source_utils
from . import plot_tools
from . import synth_diags
from . import adas_files

[docs]class aurora_sim: """Setup the input dictionary for an Aurora ion transport simulation from the given namelist. Parameters ---------- namelist : dict Dictionary containing aurora inputs. See for some defaults, which users should modify for their runs. geqdsk : dict, optional EFIT gfile as returned after postprocessing by the :py:mod:`omfit_classes.omfit_eqdsk` package (OMFITgeqdsk class). If left to None (default), the minor and major radius must be indicated in the namelist in order to create a radial grid. """ def __init__(self, namelist, geqdsk=None): if namelist is None: # option useful for calls like omfit_classes.OMFITaurora(filename) # A call like omfit_classes.OMFITaurora('test', namelist, geqdsk=geqdsk) is also possible # to initialize the class as a dictionary. return # make sure that any changes in namelist will not propagate back to the calling function self.namelist = deepcopy(namelist) self.geqdsk = geqdsk # if None, minor (rvol_lcfs) and major radius (Raxis_cm) must be in namelist self.kin_profs = self.namelist["kin_profs"] self.imp = namelist["imp"] # import here to avoid issues when building docs or package from omfit_classes.utils_math import atomic_element # get nuclear charge Z and atomic mass number A out = atomic_element(symbol=self.imp) spec = list(out.keys())[0] self.Z_imp = int(out[spec]["Z"]) self.A_imp = int(out[spec]["A"]) self.reload_namelist() if "Raxis_cm" in self.namelist: self.Raxis_cm = self.namelist["Raxis_cm"] # cm elif self.geqdsk is not None and "RMAXIS" in self.geqdsk: self.Raxis_cm = self.geqdsk["RMAXIS"] * 100.0 # cm if self.geqdsk is not None and "BCENTR" in self.geqdsk: self.namelist["Baxis"] = self.geqdsk["BCENTR"] if ( "prompt_redep_flag" in self.namelist and self.namelist["prompt_redep_flag"] ) and not hasattr(self, "Baxis"): # need magnetic field to model prompt redeposition raise ValueError( "Missing magnetic field on axis! Please define this in the namelist" ) # specify which atomic data files should be used -- use defaults unless user specified in namelist atom_files = {} atom_files["acd"] = self.namelist.get( "acd", adas_files.adas_files_dict()[self.imp]["acd"] ) atom_files["scd"] = self.namelist.get( "scd", adas_files.adas_files_dict()[self.imp]["scd"] ) if self.namelist.get("cxr_flag", False): atom_files["ccd"] = self.namelist.get( "ccd", adas_files.adas_files_dict()[self.imp]["ccd"] ) if self.namelist.get("metastable_flag", False): atom_files["qcd"] = self.namelist.get( "qcd", adas_files.adas_files_dict()[self.imp].get("qcd", None) ) atom_files["xcd"] = self.namelist.get( "xcd", adas_files.adas_files_dict()[self.imp].get("xcd", None) ) # now load ionization and recombination rates self.atom_data = atomic.get_atom_data(self.imp, files=atom_files) # allow for ion superstaging self.superstages = self.namelist.get("superstages", []) # set up radial and temporal grids self.setup_grids() # set up kinetic profiles and atomic rates self.setup_kin_profs_depts()
[docs] def reload_namelist(self, namelist=None): """(Re-)load namelist to update scalar variables.""" if namelist is not None: self.namelist = namelist # Extract other inputs from namelist: self.mixing_radius = self.namelist["saw_model"]["rmix"] self.decay_length_boundary = self.namelist["SOL_decay"] # cm self.wall_recycling = self.namelist["wall_recycling"] self.tau_div_SOL_ms = self.namelist["tau_div_SOL_ms"] self.tau_pump_ms = self.namelist["tau_pump_ms"] self.tau_rcl_ret_ms = self.namelist["tau_rcl_ret_ms"] # if recycling flag is set to False, avoid any divertor return flows # To include divertor return flows but no recycling, set wall_recycling=0 if not self.namelist["recycling_flag"]: self.wall_recycling = -1.0 # no divertor return flows self.bound_sep = self.namelist["bound_sep"] self.lim_sep = self.namelist["lim_sep"] self.sawtooth_erfc_width = self.namelist["saw_model"]["crash_width"] self.cxr_flag = self.namelist["cxr_flag"] self.nbi_cxr_flag = self.namelist["nbi_cxr_flag"]
[docs] def save(self, filename): """Save state of `aurora_sim` object.""" with open(filename, "wb") as f: pkl.dump(self, f)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """Load `aurora_sim` object.""" with open(filename, "rb") as f: obj = pkl.load(f) self.__dict__.update(obj.__dict__)
[docs] def save_dict(self): return self.__dict__
[docs] def load_dict(self, aurora_dict): self.__dict__.update(aurora_dict)
[docs] def setup_grids(self): """Method to set up radial and temporal grids given namelist inputs.""" if self.geqdsk is not None: # Get r_V to rho_pol mapping rho_pol, _rvol = grids_utils.get_rhopol_rvol_mapping(self.geqdsk) rvol_lcfs = interp1d(rho_pol, _rvol)(1.0) self.rvol_lcfs = self.namelist["rvol_lcfs"] = np.round( rvol_lcfs, 3 ) # set limit on accuracy elif "rvol_lcfs" in self.namelist: # separatrix location explicitly given by user self.rvol_lcfs = self.namelist["rvol_lcfs"] else: raise ValueError( "Could not identify rvol_lcfs. Either provide this in the namelist or provide a geqdsk equilibrium" ) # create radial grid grid_params = grids_utils.create_radial_grid(self.namelist, plot=False) self.rvol_grid, self.pro_grid, self.qpr_grid, self.prox_param = grid_params if self.geqdsk is not None: # get rho_poloidal grid corresponding to aurora internal (rvol) grid self.rhop_grid = interp1d(_rvol, rho_pol, fill_value="extrapolate")( self.rvol_grid ) self.rhop_grid[0] = 0.0 # enforce on axis else: # use rho_vol = rvol/rvol_lcfs self.rhop_grid = self.rvol_grid / self.rvol_lcfs # ---------------- # define time grid ('timing' must be in namelist) self.time_grid, self.save_time = grids_utils.create_time_grid( timing=self.namelist["timing"], plot=False ) self.time_out = self.time_grid[self.save_time] # create array of 0's of length equal to self.time_grid, with 1's where sawteeth must be triggered self.saw_on = np.zeros_like(self.time_grid) input_saw_times = self.namelist["saw_model"]["times"] self.saw_times = np.array(input_saw_times)[input_saw_times < self.time_grid[-1]] if self.namelist["saw_model"]["saw_flag"] and len(self.saw_times) > 0: self.saw_on[self.time_grid.searchsorted(self.saw_times)] = 1
[docs] def setup_kin_profs_depts(self): """Method to set up Aurora inputs related to the kinetic background from namelist inputs.""" # get kinetic profiles on the radial and (internal) temporal grids self._ne, self._Te, self._Ti, self._n0 = self.get_aurora_kin_profs() # store also kinetic profiles on output time grid if len(self._ne) > 1: # all have the same shape now save_time = self.save_time else: save_time = [0] = self._ne[save_time, :] self.Te = self._Te[save_time, :] self.Ti = self._Ti[save_time, :] self.n0 = self._n0[save_time, :] # Get time-dependent parallel loss rate self.par_loss_rate = self.get_par_loss_rate() metastables = self.namelist.get("metastable_flag", False) superstages = self.namelist.get("superstages", []) # Obtain atomic rates on the computational time and radial grids self.set_time_dept_atomic_rates( superstages=superstages, metastables=metastables ) Sne0 = self.Sne_rates[:, 0, :] # get radial profile of source function if len(save_time) == 1: # if time averaged profiles were used Sne0 = Sne0[:, [0]] # 0th charge state (neutral) if self.namelist["source_type"] == "arbitrary_2d_source": # interpolate explicit source values on time and rhop grids of simulation # NB: explicit_source_vals should be in units of particles/s/cm^3 <-- ionization rate srho = self.namelist["explicit_source_rhop"] stime = self.namelist["explicit_source_time"] source = np.array(self.namelist["explicit_source_vals"]).T spl = RectBivariateSpline(srho, stime, source, kx=1, ky=1) # extrapolate by the nearest values self.source_rad_prof = spl( np.clip(self.rhop_grid, min(srho), max(srho)), np.clip(self.time_grid, min(stime), max(stime)), ) # Change units to particles/cm^3 self.src_core = self.source_rad_prof / Sne0 else: # get time history and radial profiles separately source_time_history = source_utils.get_source_time_history( self.namelist, self.Raxis_cm, self.time_grid ) # units of particles/s/cm # get radial profile of source function for each time step # dimensionless, normalized such that pnorm=1 # i.e. source_time_history*source_rad_prof = # particles/cm^3 self.source_rad_prof = source_utils.get_radial_source( self.namelist, self.rvol_grid, self.pro_grid, Sne0, # 0th charge state (neutral) self._Ti, ) # construct source from separable radial and time dependences self.src_core = self.source_rad_prof * source_time_history[None, :] self.src_core = np.asfortranarray(self.src_core) # if wall_recycling>=0, return flows from the divertor are enabled if ( self.wall_recycling >= 0 and "source_div_time" in self.namelist and "source_div_vals" in self.namelist ): # interpolate divertor source time history self.src_div = interp1d( self.namelist["source_div_time"], self.namelist["source_div_vals"] )(self.time_grid) else: # no source into the divertor self.src_div = np.zeros_like(self.time_grid) # total number of injected ions, used for a check of particle conservation self.total_source = np.pi * np.sum( self.src_core * Sne0 * (self.rvol_grid / self.pro_grid)[:, None], 0 ) # sum over radius self.total_source += self.src_div # units of particles/s/cm # NB: src_core [1/cm^3] and src_div [1/cm/s] have different units! if self.wall_recycling >= 0: # recycling activated # if recycling radial profile is given, interpolate it on radial grid if "rcl_prof_vals" in self.namelist and "rcl_prof_rhop" in self.namelist: # Check that at least part of the recycling prof is within Aurora radial grid if np.min(self.namelist["rcl_prof_rhop"]) < np.max(self.rhop_grid): raise ValueError("Input recycling radial grid is too far out!") rcl_rad_prof = interp1d( self.namelist["rcl_prof_rhop"], self.namelist["rcl_prof_vals"], fill_value="extrapolate", )(self.rhop_grid) else: # set recycling prof to exp decay from wall # use all time steps, specified neutral stage energy nml_rcl_prof = { key: self.namelist[key] for key in [ "imp_source_energy_eV", "rvol_lcfs", "source_cm_out_lcfs", "imp", "prompt_redep_flag", "main_ion_A", ] } if ( "prompt_redep_flag" in self.namelist and self.namelist["prompt_redep_flag"] ): # only need Baxis for prompt redeposition model nml_rcl_prof["Baxis"] = self.namelist["Baxis"] nml_rcl_prof["source_width_in"] = 0 nml_rcl_prof["source_width_out"] = 0 # NB: we assume here that the 0th time is a good representation of how recycling is radially distributed rcl_rad_prof = source_utils.get_radial_source( nml_rcl_prof, # namelist specifically to obtain exp decay from wall self.rvol_grid, self.pro_grid, Sne0, self._Ti, ) self.rcl_rad_prof = np.broadcast_to( rcl_rad_prof, (rcl_rad_prof.shape[0], len(self.time_grid)) ) else: # dummy profile -- recycling is turned off self.rcl_rad_prof = np.zeros((len(self.rhop_grid), len(self.time_grid)))
[docs] def interp_kin_prof(self, prof): """Interpolate the given kinetic profile on the radial and temporal grids [units of s]. This function extrapolates in the SOL based on input options using the same methods as in STRAHL. """ times = self.kin_profs[prof]["times"] r_lcfs = np.interp(1, self.rhop_grid, self.rvol_grid) # extrapolate profiles outside of LCFS by exponential decays r = interp1d(self.rhop_grid, self.rvol_grid, fill_value="extrapolate")( self.kin_profs[prof]["rhop"] ) if self.kin_profs[prof]["fun"] == "interp": if "decay" not in self.kin_profs[prof]: # if decay length in the SOL was not given by the user, assume a decay length of 1cm # print( # f"Namelist did not provide a {prof} decay length for the SOL. Setting it to 1cm." # ) self.kin_profs[prof]["decay"] = np.ones( len(self.kin_profs[prof]["vals"]) ) data = interp.interp_quad( r / r_lcfs, self.kin_profs[prof]["vals"], self.kin_profs[prof]["decay"], r_lcfs, self.rvol_grid, ) data[data < 1.01] = 1 elif self.kin_profs[prof]["fun"] == "interpa": data = interp.interpa_quad( r / r_lcfs, self.kin_profs[prof]["vals"], r_lcfs, self.rvol_grid ) # linear interpolation in time if len(times) > 1: # time-dept data = interp1d(times, data, axis=0)( np.clip(self.time_grid, *times[[0, -1]]) ) return data
[docs] def get_aurora_kin_profs(self, min_T=1.01, min_ne=1e10): """Get kinetic profiles on radial and time grids.""" # ensure 2-dimensional inputs: self.kin_profs["ne"]["vals"] = np.atleast_2d(self.kin_profs["ne"]["vals"]) self.kin_profs["Te"]["vals"] = np.atleast_2d(self.kin_profs["Te"]["vals"]) Te = self.interp_kin_prof("Te") ne = self.interp_kin_prof("ne") if "Ti" in self.kin_profs and "vals" in self.kin_profs["Ti"]: self.kin_profs["Ti"]["vals"] = np.atleast_2d(self.kin_profs["Ti"]["vals"]) Ti = self.interp_kin_prof("Ti") else: Ti = Te # get neutral background ion density if self.namelist.get("cxr_flag", False): n0 = self.interp_kin_prof("n0") else: n0 = None # set minima in temperature and density Te[Te < min_T] = min_T Ti[Ti < min_T] = min_T ne[ne < min_ne] = min_ne # make sure that Te,ne,Ti and n0 have the same shape at this stage ne, Te, Ti, n0 = np.broadcast_arrays(ne, Te, Ti, n0) return ne, Te, Ti, n0
[docs] def set_time_dept_atomic_rates(self, superstages=[], metastables=False): """Obtain time-dependent ionization and recombination rates for a simulation run. If kinetic profiles are given as time-independent, atomic rates for each time slice will be set to be the same. Parameters ---------- superstages : list or 1D array Indices of charge states that should be kept as superstages. The default is to have this as an empty list, in which case all charge states are kept. metastables : bool Load metastable resolved atomic data and rates. Default is False. Attributes ---------- Sne_rates : array (space, nZ(-super), time) Effective ionization rates [s]. If superstages were indicated, these are the rates of superstages. Rne_rates : array (space, nZ(-super), time) Effective recombination rates [s]. If superstages were indicated, these are the rates of superstages. Qne_rates : array (space, nZ(-super), time) Cross-coupling coefficients, only computed if :param:`metastables`=True. Xne_rates : array (space, nZ(-super), time) Parent cross-coupling coefficients, only computed if :param:`metastables`=True. """ # get electron impact ionization and radiative recombination rates in units of [s^-1] out = atomic.get_cs_balance_terms( self.atom_data, ne_cm3=self._ne, Te_eV=self._Te, Ti_eV=self._Ti, include_cx=self.namelist["cxr_flag"], metastables=metastables, ) out.pop(0) Sne = out.pop(0) Rne = out.pop(0) # cache radiative & dielectronic recomb: self.alpha_RDR_rates = Rne if self.namelist["cxr_flag"]: # Get an effective recombination rate by summing radiative & CX recombination rates self.alpha_CX_rates = out.pop(0) * (self._n0 / self._ne)[:, None] Rne = ( Rne + self.alpha_CX_rates ) # inplace addition would change also self.alpha_RDR_rates if self.namelist["nbi_cxr_flag"]: # include charge exchange between NBI neutrals and impurities self.nbi_cxr = interp1d( self.namelist["nbi_cxr"]["rhop"], self.namelist["nbi_cxr"]["vals"], axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0, )(self.rhop_grid) Rne = Rne + self.nbi_cxr.T[None, :, :] if len(superstages): self.superstages, Rne, Sne, self.fz_upstage = atomic.superstage_rates( Rne, Sne, superstages, save_time=self.save_time ) # Sne and Rne for the Z+1 stage must be zero for the forward model. # Use Fortran-ordered arrays for speed in forward modeling (both Fortran and Julia) self.Sne_rates = np.zeros( (Sne.shape[2], Sne.shape[1] + 1, self.time_grid.size), order="F" ) self.Sne_rates[:, :-1] = Sne.T self.Rne_rates = np.zeros( (Rne.shape[2], Rne.shape[1] + 1, self.time_grid.size), order="F" ) self.Rne_rates[:, :-1] = Rne.T if metastables: self.Qne_rates = out.pop(0).T self.Xne_rates = out.pop(0).T
[docs] def get_par_loss_rate(self, trust_SOL_Ti=False): """Calculate the parallel loss frequency on the radial and temporal grids [1/s]. Parameters ---------- trust_SOL_Ti : bool If True, the input Ti is trusted also in the SOL to calculate a parallel loss rate. Often, Ti measurements in the SOL are unrealiable, so this parameter is set to False by default. Returns ------- dv : array (space,time) Parallel loss rates in :math:`s^{-1}` units. Values are zero in the core region and non-zero in the SOL. """ # import here to avoid issues when building docs or package from omfit_classes.utils_math import atomic_element # background mass number (=2 for D) self.main_element = self.namelist["main_element"] out = atomic_element(symbol=self.namelist["main_element"]) spec = list(out.keys())[0] self.main_ion_A = self.namelist["main_ion_A"] = int(out[spec]["A"]) self.main_ion_Z = self.namelist["main_ion_Z"] = int(out[spec]["Z"]) # factor for v = machnumber * sqrt((3T_i+T_e)k/m) vpf = self.namelist["SOL_mach"] * np.sqrt(q_electron / m_p / self.main_ion_A) # v[m/s]=vpf*sqrt(T[ev]) # number of points inside of LCFS ids = self.rvol_grid.searchsorted(self.namelist["rvol_lcfs"], side="left") idl = self.rvol_grid.searchsorted( self.namelist["rvol_lcfs"] + self.namelist["lim_sep"], side="left" ) # Calculate parallel loss frequency using different connection lengths in the SOL and in the limiter shadow dv = np.zeros_like(self._Te.T) # space x time # Ti may not be reliable in SOL, replace it by Te Ti = self._Ti if trust_SOL_Ti else self._Te # open SOL dv[ids:idl] = ( vpf * np.sqrt(3.0 * Ti.T[ids:idl] + self._Te.T[ids:idl]) / self.namelist["clen_divertor"] ) # limiter shadow dv[idl:] = ( vpf * np.sqrt(3.0 * Ti.T[idl:] + self._Te.T[idl:]) / self.namelist["clen_limiter"] ) dv, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(dv, self.time_grid[None]) return np.asfortranarray(dv)
[docs] def superstage_DV(self, D_z, V_z, times_DV=None, opt=1): """Reduce the dimensionality of D and V time-dependent profiles for the case in which superstaging is applied. Three options are currently available: #. opt=1 gives a simple selection of D_z and V_z fields corresponding to each superstage index. #. opt=2 averages D_z and V_z over the charge states that are part of each superstage. #. opt=3 weights D_z and V_z corresponding to each superstage by the fractional abundances at ionization equilibrium. This is mostly untested -- use with care! Parameters --------- D_z: array, shape of (space,time,nZ) Diffusion coefficients, in units of :math:`cm^2/s`. V_z: array, shape of (space,time,nZ) Convection coefficients, in units of :math:`cm/s`. Returns ------- Dzf: array, shape of (space,time,nZ-superstages) Diffusion coefficients of superstages, in units of :math:`cm^2/s`. Vzf: array, shape of (space,time,nZ-superstages) Convection coefficients of superstages, in units of :math:`cm/s`. """ # simple selection of elements corresponding to superstage Dzf = D_z[:, :, self.superstages] Vzf = V_z[:, :, self.superstages] if opt == 1: # see selection above pass elif opt == 2: # average D,V over superstage superstages = np.r_[self.superstages, self.Z_imp + 1] for i in range(len(self.superstages)): if superstages[i] + 1 != superstages[i + 1]: Dzf[:, :, i] = D_z[:, :, superstages[i] : superstages[i + 1]].mean( 2 ) Vzf[:, :, i] = V_z[:, :, superstages[i] : superstages[i + 1]].mean( 2 ) elif opt == 3: # weighted average of D and V superstages = np.r_[self.superstages, self.Z_imp + 1] # calculate fractional abundances inside of each superstage for i in range(len(superstages) - 1): if superstages[i] + 1 < superstages[i + 1]: # need to interpolate fz_upstage on time base of D and V -- do this only once if not hasattr(self, "fz_upstage_DV") or self.fz_upstage_DV.shape[ 2 ] == len(times_DV): self.fz_upstage_DV = interp1d( self.time_grid, self.fz_upstage, axis=2 )(times_DV) ind = slice(superstages[i], superstages[i + 1]) Dzf[:, :, i] = np.sum( D_z[:, :, ind] * self.fz_upstage_DV[:, ind].transpose(0, 2, 1), 2, ) Vzf[:, :, i] = np.sum( V_z[:, :, ind] * self.fz_upstage_DV[:, ind].transpose(0, 2, 1), 2, ) else: raise ValueError("Unrecognized option for D and V superstaging!") return Dzf, Vzf
[docs] def run_aurora( self, D_z, V_z, times_DV=None, nz_init=None, unstage=True, alg_opt=1, evolneut=False, use_julia=False, plot=False, ): """Run a simulation using the provided diffusion and convection profiles as a function of space, time and potentially also ionization state. Users can give an initial state of each ion charge state as an input. Results can be conveniently visualized with time-slider using .. code-block:: python aurora.slider_plot(rhop,time, nz.transpose(1,2,0), xlabel=r'$\\rho_p$', ylabel='time [s]', zlabel=r'$n_z$ [cm$^{-3}$]', plot_sum=True, labels=[f'Ca$^{{{str(i)}}}$' for i in np.arange(nz_w.shape[1]]) Parameters ---------- D_z: array, shape of (space,time,nZ) or (space,time) or (space,) Diffusion coefficients, in units of :math:`cm^2/s`. This may be given as a function of space only, (space,time) or (space,nZ, time), where nZ indicates the number of charge states. If given with 1 or 2 dimensions, it is assumed that all charge states should have the same diffusion coefficients. If given as 1D, it is further assumed that diffusion is time-independent. Note that it is assumed that radial profiles are already on the self.rvol_grid radial grid. V_z: array, shape of (space,time,nZ) or (space,time) or (space,) Convection coefficients, in units of :math:`cm/s`. This may be given as a function of space only, (space,time) or (space,nZ, time), where nZ indicates the number of charge states. If given with 1 or 2 dimensions, it is assumed that all charge states should have the same convection coefficients. If given as 1D, it is further assumed that convection is time-independent. Note that it is assumed that radial profiles are already on the self.rvol_grid radial grid. times_DV : 1D array, optional Array of times at which `D_z` and `V_z` profiles are given. By Default, this is None, which implies that `D_z` and `V_z` are time independent. nz_init: array, shape of (space, nZ) Impurity charge states at the initial time of the simulation. If left to None, this is internally set to an array of 0's. unstage : bool, optional If superstages are indicated in the namelist, this parameter sets whether the output should be "unstaged" by multiplying by the appropriate fractional abundances of all charge states at ionization equilibrium. Note that this unstaging process cannot account for transport and is therefore only an approximation, to be used carefully. alg_opt : int, optional If `alg_opt=1`, use the finite-volume algorithm proposed by Linder et al. NF 2020. If `alg_opt=0`, use the older finite-differences algorithm in the 2018 version of STRAHL. evolneut : bool, optional If True, evolve neutral impurities based on their D,V coefficients. Default is False, in which case neutrals are only taken as a source and those that are not ionized immediately after injection are neglected. NB: It is recommended to only use this with explicit 2D sources, otherwise use_julia : bool, optional If True, run the Julia pre-compiled version of the code. Run the julia makefile option to set this up. Default is False (still under development) plot : bool, optional If True, plot density for each charge state using a convenient slides over time and check particle conservation in each particle reservoir. Returns ------- nz : array, (nr,nZ,nt) Charge state densities [:math:`cm^{-3}`] over the space and time grids. If a number of superstages are indicated in the input, only charge state densities for these are returned. N_wall : array (nt,) Number of particles at the wall reservoir over time. N_div : array (nt,) Number of particles in the divertor reservoir over time. N_pump : array (nt,) Number of particles in the pump reservoir over time. N_ret : array (nt,) Number of particles temporarily held in the wall reservoirs. N_tsu : array (nt,) Edge particle loss [:math:`cm^{-3}`] N_dsu : array (nt,) Parallel particle loss [:math:`cm^{-3}`] N_dsul : array (nt,) Parallel particle loss at the limiter [:math:`cm^{-3}`] rcld_rate : array (nt,) Recycling from the divertor [:math:`s^{-1} cm^{-3}`] rclw_rate : array (nt,) Recycling from the wall [:math:`s^{-1} cm^{-3}`] """ D_z, V_z = np.asarray(D_z), np.asarray(V_z) # D_z and V_z must have the same shape assert np.shape(D_z) == np.shape(V_z) if times_DV is None and D_z.ndim > 1 and D_z.shape[1] > 1: raise ValueError( "D_z and V_z given as time dependent, but times were not specified!" ) if times_DV is None or np.size(times_DV) == 0: times_DV = [1.0] # dummy, no time dependence num_cs = int(self.Z_imp + 1) # D and V were given for all stages -- define D and V for superstages if len(self.superstages): num_cs = len(self.superstages) if D_z.ndim == 3 and D_z.shape[2] == self.Z_imp + 1: D_z, V_z = self.superstage_DV(D_z, V_z, times_DV, opt=1) if not evolneut: # prevent recombination back to neutral state to maintain good particle conservation self.Rne_rates[:, 0] = 0 if nz_init is None: # default: start in a state with no impurity ions nz_init = np.zeros((len(self.rvol_grid), num_cs)) if D_z.ndim < 3: # set all charge states to have the same transport # num_cs = Z+1 - include elements for neutrals D_z = np.tile(D_z.T, (num_cs, 1, 1)).T # create fortran contiguous arrays D_z[:, :, 0] = 0.0 if V_z.ndim < 3: # set all charge states to have the same transport V_z = np.tile(V_z.T, (num_cs, 1, 1)).T # create fortran contiguous arrays V_z[:, :, 0] = 0.0 nt = len(self.time_out) # NOTE: for both Fortran and Julia, use f_configuous arrays for speed if use_julia: # run Julia version of the code from julia.api import Julia jl = Julia( compiled_modules=False, sysimage=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../aurora.jl/", ) from julia import aurora as aurora_jl self.res = nt, # number of times at which simulation outputs results times_DV, D_z, V_z, # cm^2/s & cm/s #(ir,nt_trans,nion) self.par_loss_rate, # time dependent self.src_core, # source profile in radius and time self.rcl_rad_prof, # recycling radial profile self.Sne_rates, # ioniz_rate, self.Rne_rates, # recomb_rate, self.rvol_grid, self.pro_grid, self.qpr_grid, self.mixing_radius, self.decay_length_boundary, # cm self.time_grid, self.saw_on, self.save_time, self.sawtooth_erfc_width, # dsaw width [cm] self.wall_recycling, self.tau_div_SOL_ms * 1e-3, # [s] self.tau_pump_ms * 1e-3, # [s] self.tau_rcl_ret_ms * 1e-3, # [s] self.rvol_lcfs, self.bound_sep, self.lim_sep, self.prox_param, nz_init, alg_opt, evolneut, self.src_div, ) else: # import here to avoid import when building documentation or package (negligible slow down) from ._aurora import run as fortran_run self.res = fortran_run( nt, # number of times at which simulation outputs results times_DV, D_z, V_z, # cm^2/s & cm/s #(ir,nt_trans,nion) self.par_loss_rate, # time dependent self.src_core, # source profile in radius and time self.rcl_rad_prof, # recycling radial profile self.Sne_rates, # ioniz_rate self.Rne_rates, # recomb_rate self.rvol_grid, self.pro_grid, self.qpr_grid, self.mixing_radius, self.decay_length_boundary, self.time_grid, self.saw_on, self.save_time, self.sawtooth_erfc_width, # dsaw width [cm] self.wall_recycling, self.tau_div_SOL_ms * 1e-3, # [s] self.tau_pump_ms * 1e-3, # [s] self.tau_rcl_ret_ms * 1e-3, # [s] self.rvol_lcfs, self.bound_sep, self.lim_sep, self.prox_param, rn_t0=nz_init, # if omitted, internally set to 0's alg_opt=alg_opt, evolneut=evolneut, src_div=self.src_div, ) if plot: # plot charge state density distributions over radius and time plot_tools.slider_plot( self.rvol_grid, self.time_out, self.res[0].transpose(1, 0, 2), xlabel=r"$r_V$ [cm]", ylabel="time [s]", zlabel=r"$n_z$ [$cm^{-3}$]", labels=[str(i) for i in np.arange(0, self.res[0].shape[1])], plot_sum=True, x_line=self.rvol_lcfs, ) # check particle conservation by summing over simulation reservoirs _ = self.check_conservation(plot=True) if len(self.superstages) and unstage: # "unstage" superstages to recover estimates for density of all charge states nz_unstaged = np.zeros((len(self.rvol_grid), self.Z_imp + 1, nt)) superstages = np.r_[self.superstages, self.Z_imp + 1] # calculate fractional abundances inside of each superstage for i in range(len(superstages) - 1): if superstages[i] + 1 < superstages[i + 1]: # fill skipped stages from ionization equilibrium ind = slice(superstages[i], superstages[i + 1]) nz_unstaged[:, ind] = self.res[0][:, [i]] * self.fz_upstage[:, ind] else: nz_unstaged[:, superstages[i]] = self.res[0][:, i] self.res = nz_unstaged, *self.res[1:] # nz, N_wall, N_div, N_pump, N_ret, N_tsu, N_dsu, N_dsul, rcld_rate, rclw_rate = self.res return self.res
[docs] def run_aurora_steady_analytic(self, D_z, V_z): """Evaluate the analytic steady state solution of the transport equation. Small differences in absolute densities from the full time-dependent, multi-reservoir Aurora solutions can be caused by recycling and divertor models, which are not included here. Parameters ---------- D_z: array, shape of (space,nZ) or (space,) Diffusion coefficients, in units of :math:`cm^2/s`. This may be given as a function of space only or (space,nZ). No time dependence is allowed in this function. Here, nZ indicates the number of charge states. Note that it is assumed that radial profiles are already on the self.rvol_grid radial grid. V_z: array, shape of (space,nZ) or (space,) Convection coefficients, in units of :math:`cm/s`. This may be given as a function of space only or (space,nZ). No time dependence is allowed in this function. Here, nZ indicates the number of charge states. """ if[0] > 1 or self.Te.shape[0] > 1: raise ValueError( "This method is designed to operate with time-independent background profiles!" ) if len(self.superstages) > 0: raise Exception("Superstages are not yet suported by analytical solver") if D_z.shape != V_z.shape: raise ValueError("Shape of D and V must be the same") if D_z.ndim > 2: raise ValueError( "This method is designed to operate with time-independent transport coefficients" ) if D_z.ndim == 2: # make sure that transport coefficients were given as a function of space and nZ, not time! assert ( D_z.shape[0] == len(self.rhop_grid) and D_z.shape[1] == self.Z_imp + 1 ) D_z = D_z[:, 1:] V_z = V_z[:, 1:] def between_grid(arr, axis=0): # calculate value in between grid points sl = (slice(None),) * axis return (arr[sl + (slice(1, None),)] + arr[sl + (slice(None, -1),)]) / 2.0 # prepare inputs D_btw = between_grid(D_z, 0).T # input D profile btw the spatial grids v_btw = between_grid(V_z, 0).T # input v profile btw the spatial grids par_loss_rate = between_grid( self.par_loss_rate[:, 0] / 100 ) # convert in the 1/s/cm units del_r = np.diff(self.rvol_grid) r_btw = between_grid(self.rvol_grid) self.rhop_btw = between_grid(self.rhop_grid) nr = len(r_btw) # diagonal of matrices for recombination, ionisation and parallel flux r_z = between_grid(self.Rne_rates.T[0, :-1], 1) s_z = between_grid(self.Sne_rates.T[0, :-1], 1) p_z = par_loss_rate * r_btw # in case that metastable resolved atomics data are used metastables = self.namelist.get("metastable_flag", False) if metastables: q_z = between_grid(self.Qne_rates.T[0], 1) x_z = between_grid(self.Xne_rates.T[0], 1) x_meta_ind = self.atom_data["xcd"].meta_ind q_meta_ind = self.atom_data["qcd"].meta_ind s_meta_ind = self.atom_data["scd"].meta_ind r_meta_ind = self.atom_data["acd"].meta_ind # number of metastables for each ion (ones if data are unresolved) Mmeta = self.atom_data["scd"].metastables # index of each metastable meta_ind = [(z, m + 1) for z, M in enumerate(Mmeta) for m in range(M)] n_state = len(meta_ind) # uvec exp_diag = np.exp(cumtrapz(v_btw / D_btw, r_btw, initial=0, axis=-1)) exp_diag /= exp_diag[..., [-1]] exp_Dr = 1 / (exp_diag * D_btw * r_btw) # diagonal of the matrix lam = self.decay_length_boundary edge_factor = 1 / (1 / lam + v_btw[..., [-1]] / D_btw[..., [-1]]) # units of m # calculate spatial integrals del_r_up = np.tri(nr + 1, nr, -1) * (del_r * r_btw) del_r_down = np.tri(nr, nr + 1).T * del_r def apply_integral(prof, i): # charge independent transport coefficients i = ... if D_btw.ndim == 1 else i - 1 # the first cumulative trapezoid integral a = del_r_up * prof a = between_grid(a) a *= exp_Dr[i, :, None] # the second cumulative trapezoid integral a =, a) a = between_grid(a) # incorporate edge boundary condition with decay length lambda a += a[-1] / del_r[-1] * edge_factor[i] a *= exp_diag[i, :, None] return a R_z = {i: apply_integral(r, i[0]) for i, r in zip(r_meta_ind, r_z)} S_z = {i: apply_integral(s, i[0]) for i, s in zip(s_meta_ind, s_z)} if D_z.ndim == 2: P_z = [apply_integral(p_z, z) for z in range(self.Z_imp + 1)] else: P_z = [apply_integral(p_z, 0)] * (self.Z_imp + 1) if metastables: Q_z = {i: apply_integral(q, i[0]) for i, q in zip(q_meta_ind, q_z)} X_z = {i: apply_integral(x, i[0]) for i, x in zip(x_meta_ind, x_z)} # radial integral of the source used to calculate total impurity density profile nz_0 = np.zeros((n_state, nr)) nimp0 = between_grid(self.src_core[:, 0]) # metastable distributon of neutral influx is unknow meta_source = (1, 1) nz_0[meta_ind.index(meta_source)] =[meta_source + (1,)], nimp0) source_mtx = np.zeros([n_state, n_state, nr, nr]) for i, (z, m) in enumerate(meta_ind): # paraell looses are on diagonal source_mtx[i, i] -= P_z[z] if z < self.Z_imp: # for non-fully stripped species for g in range(1, Mmeta[z + 1] + 1): source_mtx[i, i] -= S_z[(z + 1, m, g)] j = meta_ind.index((z + 1, g)) source_mtx[i, j] += R_z[(z + 1, m, g)] if z > 0: # for ionised species for g in range(1, Mmeta[z - 1] + 1): source_mtx[i, i] -= R_z[(z, g, m)] j = meta_ind.index((z - 1, g)) source_mtx[i, j] += S_z[(z, g, m)] if not metastables: continue # cross-coupling of the metastables for g in range(1, Mmeta[z] + 1): if g == m: continue j = meta_ind.index((z, g)) # cross-coupling coefficients important at lower Te source_mtx[i, j] += Q_z[(z + 1, m, g)] source_mtx[i, i] -= Q_z[(z + 1, g, m)] # Beringer 1989 is not including the parent cross coupling coefficients! # cross-coupling between parents via recombination to excited states # of the z-times ionised ion followed by re-ionisation to a different metastable # BUG when included, the summed ion metastable stage profiles disagree with unresolved profile # if g > m and z > 0: # source_mtx[i,j] += X_z[(z, g, m)] #BUG not yet sure about the order of m,g indexes # if g < m and z > 0: # source_mtx[i,i] -= X_z[(z, g, m)] # reshape to 2D matrix source_mtx = source_mtx.swapaxes(1, 2).reshape(nr * n_state, nr * n_state) if not metastables: # faster inversion if the matrix is block diagonal # convert source_mtx matrix to band diagonal form n_diags = 2 * nr source_mtx_diag = np.zeros((1 + 2 * n_diags, nr * n_state)) for i, d in enumerate(range(n_diags, -n_diags - 1, -1)): source_mtx_diag[ i, np.maximum(0, d) : nr * n_state + np.minimum(0, d) ] = np.diagonal(source_mtx, d) # calculate eye( ) - source_mtx mtx_solv_diag = source_mtx_diag mtx_solv_diag *= -1 mtx_solv_diag[n_diags] += 1 # solve band matrix nz_steady = solve_banded( (n_diags, n_diags), mtx_solv_diag, nz_0.flatten() ).reshape(-1, nr) else: # standart numpy solver for a square matrix A = np.eye(nr * n_state) - source_mtx # slowest step nz_steady = np.linalg.solve(A, nz_0.flatten()).reshape(-1, nr) return meta_ind, nz_steady
[docs] def run_aurora_steady( self, D_z, V_z, nz_init=None, unstage=False, alg_opt=1, evolneut=False, use_julia=False, tolerance=0.01, max_sim_time=100, dt=1e-4, dt_increase=1.05, n_steps=100, plot=False, ): """Run an Aurora simulation until reaching steady state profiles. This method calls :py:meth:`~aurora.core.run_aurora` checking at every iteration whether profile shapes are still changing within a given fractional tolerance. Note that this method differs from :py:meth:`~aurora.core.run_aurora_steady_analytic` in that it runs time-dependent simulations until reaching steady-state, rather than using an analytic solution for steady-state profiles. Parameters ---------- D_z: array, shape of (space,nZ) or (space,) Diffusion coefficients, in units of :math:`cm^2/s`. This may be given as a function of space only or (space,nZ). No time dependence is allowed in this function. Here, nZ indicates the number of charge states. Note that it is assumed that radial profiles are already on the self.rvol_grid radial grid. V_z: array, shape of (space,nZ) or (space,) Convection coefficients, in units of :math:`cm/s`. This may be given as a function of space only or (space,nZ). No time dependence is allowed in this function. Here, nZ indicates the number of charge states. nz_init: array, shape of (space, nZ) Impurity charge states at the initial time of the simulation. If left to None, this is internally set to an array of 0's. unstage : bool, optional If a list of superstages are provided in the namelist, this parameter sets whether the output should be "unstaged". See docs for :py:meth:`~aurora.core.run_aurora` for details. alg_opt : int, optional If `alg_opt=1`, use the finite-volume algorithm proposed by Linder et al. NF 2020. If `alg_opt=0`, use the older finite-differences algorithm in the 2018 version of STRAHL. evolneut : bool, optional If True, evolve neutral impurities based on their D,V coefficients. Default is False. See docs for :py:meth:`~aurora.core.run_aurora` for details. use_julia : bool, optional If True, run the Julia pre-compiled version of the code. See docs for :py:meth:`~aurora.core.run_aurora` for details. tolerance : float Fractional tolerance in charge state profile shapes. This method reports charge state density profiles obtained when the discrepancy between normalized profiles at adjacent time steps varies by less than this tolerance fraction. max_sim_time : float Maximum time in units of seconds for which simulations should be run if a steady state is not found. dt : float Initial time step to apply, in units of seconds. This can be increased by a multiplier given by :param:`dt_increase` after each time step. dt_increase : float Multiplier for time steps. n_steps : int Number of time steps (>2) before convergence is checked. plot : bool If True, plot time evolution of charge state density profiles to show convergence. """ if n_steps < 2: raise ValueError("n_steps must be greater than 2!") if[0] > 1: raise ValueError( "This method is designed to operate with time-independent background profiles!" ) if D_z.ndim > 2 or V_z.ndim > 2: raise ValueError( "This method is designed to operate with time-independent D and V profiles!" ) # set constant timesource self.namelist["source_type"] = "const" # self.namelist["source_rate"] = 1.0 # build timing dictionary self.namelist["timing"] = { "dt_start": [dt, dt], "dt_increase": [dt_increase, 1.0], "steps_per_cycle": [1, 1], "times": [0.0, max_sim_time], } # prepare radial and temporal grid self.setup_grids() # update kinetic profile dependencies to get everything to the right shape self.setup_kin_profs_depts() times_DV = None if D_z.ndim == 2: # make sure that transport coefficients were given as a function of space and nZ, not time! assert ( D_z.shape[0] == len(self.rhop_grid) and D_z.shape[1] == self.Z_imp + 1 ) assert ( V_z.shape[0] == len(self.rhop_grid) and V_z.shape[1] == self.Z_imp + 1 ) D_z = D_z[:, None] # (ir,nt_trans,nion) V_z = V_z[:, None] sim_steps = 0 time_grid = self.time_grid.copy() time_out = self.time_out.copy() save_time = self.save_time.copy() par_loss_rate = self.par_loss_rate.copy() rcl_rad_prof = self.rcl_rad_prof.copy() src_core = self.src_core.copy() Sne_rates = self.Sne_rates.copy() Rne_rates = self.Rne_rates.copy() saw_on = self.saw_on.copy() src_div = self.src_div.copy() nz_all = None if nz_init is None else nz_init while sim_steps < len(time_grid): self.time_grid = self.time_out = time_grid[sim_steps : sim_steps + n_steps] self.save_time = save_time[sim_steps : sim_steps + n_steps] self.par_loss_rate = par_loss_rate[:, sim_steps : sim_steps + n_steps] self.rcl_rad_prof = rcl_rad_prof[:, sim_steps : sim_steps + n_steps] self.src_core = src_core[:, sim_steps : sim_steps + n_steps] self.Sne_rates = Sne_rates[:, :, sim_steps : sim_steps + n_steps] self.Rne_rates = Rne_rates[:, :, sim_steps : sim_steps + n_steps] self.saw_on = saw_on[sim_steps : sim_steps + n_steps] self.src_div = src_div[sim_steps : sim_steps + n_steps] sim_steps += n_steps # get charge state densities from latest time step if nz_all is None: nz_init = None else: nz_init = nz_all[:, :, -1] if nz_all.ndim == 3 else nz_all nz_new = self.run_aurora( D_z, V_z, times_DV, nz_init=nz_init, unstage=unstage, alg_opt=alg_opt, evolneut=evolneut, use_julia=use_julia, plot=False, )[0] if nz_all is None: nz_all = np.dstack((np.zeros_like(nz_new[:, :, [0]]), nz_new)) nz_init = np.zeros_like(nz_new[:, :, 0]) else: nz_all = np.dstack((nz_all, nz_new)) # check if normalized profiles have converged if ( np.linalg.norm(nz_new[:, :, -1] - nz_init) / (np.linalg.norm(nz_init) + 1e-99) < tolerance ): break # store final time grids self.time_grid = time_grid[:sim_steps] # identical because steps_per_cycle is fixed to 1 self.time_out = time_grid[:sim_steps] self.save_time = save_time[:sim_steps] if plot: # plot charge state distributions over radius and time plot_tools.slider_plot( self.rhop_grid, self.time_grid, nz_all.transpose(1, 0, 2), xlabel=r"$\rho_p$", ylabel="time [s]", zlabel=r"$n_z$ [$cm^{-3}$]", labels=[str(i) for i in np.arange(0, nz_all.shape[1])], plot_sum=True, ) if sim_steps >= len(time_grid): raise ValueError( f"Could not reach convergence before {max_sim_time:.3f}s of simulated time!" ) # compute effective particle confinement time from latest few time steps circ = 2 * np.pi * self.Raxis_cm # cm zvol = circ * np.pi * self.rvol_grid / self.pro_grid wh = self.rhop_grid <= 1 var_volint = np.nansum(nz_new[wh, :, -2] * zvol[wh, None]) # compute effective particle confinement time source_time_history = grids_utils.vol_int( self.src_core.T, self.rvol_grid, self.pro_grid, self.Raxis_cm, rvol_max=self.rvol_lcfs, ) self.tau_imp = ( var_volint / source_time_history[-2] ) # avoid last time point because source may be 0 there return nz_new[:, :, -1]
[docs] def calc_Zeff(self): """Compute Zeff from each charge state density, using the result of an AURORA simulation. The total Zeff change over time and space due to the simulated impurity can be simply obtained by summing over charge states. Results are stored as an attribute of the simulation object instance. """ # This method requires that a simulation has already been run: assert hasattr(self, "res") # extract charge state densities from the simulation result nz = self.res[0] # this method requires all charge states to be made available try: assert nz.shape[1] == self.Z_imp + 1 except AssertionError: raise ValueError( "calc_Zeff method requires all charge state densities to be availble! Unstage superstages." ) # Compute the variation of Zeff from these charge states Zmax = nz.shape[1] - 1 Z = np.arange(Zmax + 1) self.delta_Zeff = nz * (Z * (Z - 1))[None, :, None] # for each charge state self.delta_Zeff /=[:, None, :]
[docs] def plot_resolutions(self): """Convenience function to show time and spatial resolution in Aurora simulation setup.""" # display radial resolution _ = grids_utils.create_radial_grid(self.namelist, plot=True) # display time resolution _ = grids_utils.create_time_grid(timing=self.namelist["timing"], plot=True)
[docs] def check_conservation(self, plot=True, axs=None, plot_resolutions=False): """Check particle conservation for an aurora simulation. Parameters ---------- plot : bool, optional If True, plot time histories in each particle reservoir and display quality of particle conservation. axs : 2-tuple or array Array-like structure containing two matplotlib.Axes instances: the first one for the separate particle time variation in each reservoir, the second for the total particle-conservation check. This can be used to plot results from several aurora runs on the same axes. Returns ------- out : dict Dictionary containing density of particles in each reservoir. axs : matplotlib.Axes instances, only returned if plot=True Array-like structure containing two matplotlib.Axes instances, (ax1,ax2). See optional input argument. """ ( nz, N_wall, N_div, N_pump, N_ret, N_tsu, N_dsu, N_dsul, rcld_rate, rclw_rate, ) = self.res nz = nz.transpose(2, 1, 0) # time,nZ,space # factor to account for cylindrical geometry: circ = 2 * np.pi * self.Raxis_cm # cm # collect all the relevant quantities for particle conservation out = {} # calculate total impurity density (summed over charge states) total_impurity_density = np.nansum(nz, axis=1) # time, space # Compute total number of particles for particle conservation checks: all_particles = grids_utils.vol_int( total_impurity_density, self.rvol_grid, self.pro_grid, self.Raxis_cm, rvol_max=None, ) out["total"] = all_particles + (N_wall + N_div + N_pump + N_ret) * circ out["source"] = self.total_source * circ + out["total"][0] # integrated source over time out["integ_source"] = cumtrapz(out["source"], self.time_out, initial=0) out["particles_at_wall"] = N_wall * circ out["particles_retained_at_wall"] = N_ret * circ out["particles_in_divertor"] = N_div * circ out["particles_in_pump"] = N_pump * circ out["parallel_loss"] = N_dsu * circ out["edge_loss"] = N_tsu * circ out["parallel_loss_to_limiter"] = N_dsul * circ out["recycling_from_divertor"] = rcld_rate * circ out["recycling_from_wall"] = rclw_rate * circ if hasattr(self, "rad"): # radiation has already been compputed out["impurity_radiation"] = grids_utils.vol_int( self.rad["tot"], self.rvol_grid, self.pro_grid, self.Raxis_cm, rvol_max=self.rvol_lcfs, ) if plot: # ------------------------------------------------- # plot time histories for each particle reservoirs: if axs is None: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(nrows=4, ncols=3, sharex=True, figsize=(15, 10)) else: ax1 = axs[0] ax1[0, 0].plot(self.time_out, out["source"], label="Influx ($s^{-1}$)") ax1[0, 1].plot( self.time_out, out["particles_in_divertor"], label="Particles in divertor", ) ax1[0, 2].plot( self.time_out, out["particles_in_pump"], label="Particles in pump" ) ax1[1, 0].plot(self.time_out, out["parallel_loss"], label="Parallel Loss") ax1[1, 1].plot( self.time_out, out["parallel_loss_to_limiter"], label="Parallel Loss to Limiter", ) ax1[1, 2].plot(self.time_out, out["edge_loss"], label="Edge Loss") ax1[2, 0].plot( self.time_out, out["particles_at_wall"], label="Particles stuck at wall" ) ax1[2, 1].plot( self.time_out, out["particles_retained_at_wall"], label="Particles retained at wall", ) ax1[2, 2].plot( self.time_out, out["recycling_from_wall"], label="Wall rec. rate" ) ax1[3, 0].plot( self.time_out, out["recycling_from_divertor"], label="Divertor rec. rate", ) ax1[3, 1].plot(self.time_out, out["total"], label="Core impurity particles") for aa in ax1.flatten()[:11]: aa.legend(loc="best").set_draggable(True) if "impurity_radiation" in out: ax1[3, 2].plot( self.time_out, out["impurity_radiation"], label="Core radiation (W)" ) ax1[3, 2].legend(loc="best").set_draggable(True) for ii in [0, 1, 2]: ax1[3, ii].set_xlabel("Time (s)") ax1[3, 0].set_xlim(self.time_out[[0, -1]]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # now plot all particle reservoirs to check particle conservation: if axs is None: fig, ax2 = plt.subplots() else: ax2 = axs[1] ax2.set_xlabel("time [s]") ax2.plot(self.time_out, all_particles, label="Particles in Plasma") ax2.plot( self.time_out, out["particles_at_wall"], label="Particles stuck at wall" ) ax2.plot( self.time_out, out["particles_in_divertor"], label="Particles in Divertor", ) ax2.plot(self.time_out, out["particles_in_pump"], label="Particles in Pump") ax2.plot( self.time_out, out["particles_retained_at_wall"], label="Particles retained at wall", ) ax2.plot(self.time_out, out["total"], label="Total") ax2.plot(self.time_out, out["integ_source"], label="Integrated source") if ( abs( (out["total"][-1] - out["integ_source"][-1]) / out["integ_source"][-1] ) > 0.1 ): print("Warning: significant error in particle conservation!") Ntot = out["integ_source"][-1] dN = np.trapz( (out["total"] / Ntot - out["integ_source"] / Ntot) ** 2, self.time_out ) dN /= np.trapz((out["integ_source"] / Ntot) ** 2, self.time_out) print("Particle conservation error %.1f%%" % (np.sqrt(dN) * 100)) ax2.set_ylim(0, None) ax2.legend(loc="best") plt.tight_layout() if plot: return out, (ax1, ax2) else: return out
[docs] def centrifugal_asym(self, omega, Zeff, plot=False): """Estimate impurity poloidal asymmetry effects from centrifugal forces. See notes the :py:func:`~aurora.synth_diags.centrifugal_asymmetry` function docstring for details. In this function, we use the average Z of the impurity species in the Aurora simulation result, using only the last time slice to calculate fractional abundances. The CF lambda factor Parameters ----------------- omega : array (nt,nr) or (nr,) [ rad/s ] Toroidal rotation on Aurora temporal time_grid and radial rhop_grid (or, equivalently, rvol_grid) grids. Zeff : array (nt,nr), (nr,) or float Effective plasma charge on Aurora temporal time_grid and radial rhop_grid (or, equivalently, rvol_grid) grids. Alternatively, users may give Zeff as a float (taken constant over time and space). plot : bool If True, plot asymmetry factor :math:`\lambda` vs. radius Returns ------------ CF_lambda : array (nr,) Asymmetry factor, defined as :math:`\lambda` in the :py:func:`~aurora.synth_diags.centrifugal_asymmetry` function docstring. """ # this method requires all charge states to be made available try: assert self.res[0].shape[1] == self.Z_imp + 1 except AssertionError: raise ValueError( "centrifugal_asym method requires all charge state densities to be availble! Unstage superstages." ) fz = self.res[0][..., -1] / np.sum(self.res[0][..., -1], axis=1)[:, None] Z_ave_vec = np.sum(fz * np.arange(self.Z_imp + 1)[None, :], axis=1) _, Rlfs = grids_utils.get_HFS_LFS(self.geqdsk, rho_pol=self.rhop_grid) self.CF_lambda = synth_diags.centrifugal_asymmetry( self.rhop_grid, Rlfs, omega, Zeff, self.A_imp, Z_ave_vec, self.Te, self.Ti, main_ion_A=self.main_ion_A, plot=plot, nz=self.res[0][..., -1], geqdsk=self.geqdsk, ).mean(0) return self.CF_lambda