Source code for aurora.atomic

"""Collection of classes and functions for loading, interpolation and processing of atomic data. 
Refer also to the script. 
# MIT License
# Copyright (c) 2021 Francesco Sciortino
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline, interp1d, RegularGridInterpolator
from matplotlib import cm
import os, sys, copy
import scipy.ndimage
from scipy.linalg import svd
from scipy import constants
from scipy.integrate import simps
from . import adas_files

[docs]def get_adas_file_types(): """Obtain a description of each ADAS file type and its meaning in the context of Aurora. Returns ------------ dict Dictionary with keys given by the ADAS file types and values giving a description for them. Notes --------- For background on ADAS generalized collisional-radiative modeling and data formats, refer to [1]_. References ----------------- .. [1] Summers et al., "Ionization state, excited populations and emission of impurities in dynamic finite density plasmas: I. The generalized collisional-radiative model for light elements", Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 48:2, 2006 """ return { "acd": "effective recombination", "scd": "effective ionization", "prb": "continuum radiation", "plt": "line radiation", "ccd": "thermal charge exchange", "prc": "thermal charge exchange continuum radiation", "xcd": "Parent cross-coupling coefficients", "qcd": "Cross-coupling coefficients", "pls": "line radiation in the SXR range", "prs": "continuum radiation in the SXR range", "brs": "continuum spectral bremstrahlung", "fis": "sensitivity in the SXR range", "pbs": "impurity bremsstrahlung in SXR range, also included in prs files", }
[docs]class adas_file: """Read ADAS file in ADF11 format over the given density and temperature grids. Note that such grids vary between files, and the species they refer to may too. Refer to ADAS documentation for details on each file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to location where ADAS file is located. """ def __init__(self, filepath): self.filepath = filepath self.filename = filepath.split("/")[-1] self.file_type = self.filename[:3] if self.file_type not in ["brs", "sxr"]: try: self.imp = self.filename.split("_")[1].split(".")[0] except: self.imp = None # soem old files have a different naming convenction # get data self.load()
[docs] def load(self): """ADF11 format description:""" with open(self.filepath) as f: header = f.readline() self.n_ion, n_ne, n_T = np.int_(header.split()[:3]) details = " ".join(header.split()[3:]) f.readline() # skip empty line line = f.readline() # metastable resolved file if all([a.isdigit() for a in line.split()]): self.metastables = np.int_(line.split()) f.readline() # skip empty line line = f.readline() else: self.metastables = np.ones(self.n_ion + 1, dtype=int) logNe = [] while len(logNe) < n_ne: logNe += [float(n) for n in line.split()] line = f.readline() logT = [] while len(logT) < n_T: logT += [float(t) for t in line.split()] line = f.readline() subheader = line ldata, self.Z, self.MGRD, self.MPRT = [], [], [], [] ind = 0 while True: ind += 1 try: iprt, igrd, typ, z = subheader.split("/")[1:5] self.Z.append(int(z.split("=")[1])) self.MGRD.append(int(igrd.split("=")[1])) self.MPRT.append(int(iprt.split("=")[1])) except: # some old files have different header self.Z.append(ind + 1) self.MGRD.append(1) self.MPRT.append(1) # drcofd = log10(generalised collisional radiative coefficients) (units according to class) drcofd = [] while len(drcofd) < n_ne * n_T: line = f.readline() drcofd += [float(L) for L in line.split()] ldata.append(np.array(drcofd).reshape(n_T, n_ne)) subheader = f.readline().replace("-", " ") # end of the file if len(subheader) == 0 or subheader.isspace() or subheader[0] == "C": break self.logNe = np.array(logNe) self.logT = np.array(logT) self.logdata = np.array(ldata) self.meta_ind = list(zip(self.Z, self.MGRD, self.MPRT))
[docs] def plot(self, fig=None, axes=None): """Plot data from input ADAS file. If provided, the arguments allow users to overplot and compare data from multiple files. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib Figure object If provided, add specification as to which ADAS file is being plotted. axes : matplotlib Axes object (or equivalent) If provided, plot on these axes. Note that this typically needs to be a set of axes for each plotted charge state. Users may want to call this function once first to get some axes, and then pass those same axes to a second call for another file to compare with. """ # settings for plotting self.ncol = np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(self.Z))) self.nrow = np.ceil(len(self.Z) / self.ncol) if fig is None or axes is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots( int(self.ncol), int(self.nrow), sharex=True, sharey=True ) axes = np.atleast_2d(axes) colormap = cm.rainbow colors = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(self.logNe))) if fig is not None: fig.suptitle(self.filename + " " + get_adas_file_types()[self.file_type]) for i, ax in enumerate(axes.flatten()): if i >= len(self.Z): break if all(self.logdata[i].std(1) == 0): # independent of density ax.plot(self.logT, self.logdata[i, :, 0]) else: ax.set_prop_cycle("color", colors) ax.plot(self.logT, self.logdata[i]) ax.text( 0.1, 0.8, "$n_e = 10^{%.0f-%.0f}\mathrm{[cm^{-3}]}$" % (self.logNe[0], self.logNe[-1]), horizontalalignment="left", transform=ax.transAxes, ) ax.grid(True) if self.file_type != "brs": charge = self.Z[i] meta = self.MPRT[i], self.MGRD[i] if self.file_type in ["scd", "prs", "ccd", "prb", "qcd"]: charge -= 1 title = self.imp + "$^{%d\!+}$" % charge if any(self.metastables > 1): title += str(meta) ax.set_title(title) for ax in axes[-1]: ax.set_xlabel("$\log\ T_e\ \mathrm{[eV]}$") for ax in axes[:, 0]: if self.file_type in ["scd", "acd", "ccd"]: ax.set_ylabel("$\log(" + self.file_type + ")\ \mathrm{[cm^3/s]}$") elif self.file_type in ["prb", "plt", "prc", "pls", "brs", "prs"]: ax.set_ylabel("$\log(" + self.file_type + ")\ \mathrm{[W\cdot cm^3]}$")
[docs]def read_filter_response(filepath, adas_format=True, plot=False): """Read a filter response function over energy. This function attempts to read the data checking for the following formats (in this order): #. The ADAS format. Typically, this data is from obtained from and produced via ADAS routines. #. The format returned by the `Center for X-Ray Optics website <>`__ . Note that filter response functions are typically a combination of a filter transmissivity and a detector absorption. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to filter file of interest. plot : bool If True, the filter response function is plotted. """ E_eV = [] response = [] try: # Attempt to read ADAS format with open(filepath) as f: header = f.readline() num = int(header.split()[0]) # ***** f.readline() while len(E_eV) < num: line = f.readline() E_eV += [float(n) for n in line.split()] while len(response) < num: line = f.readline() response += [float(t) for t in line.split()] # energy and response function are written in natural logs E_eV = np.concatenate( ( [ 0.0, ], np.array(np.exp(E_eV)), ) ) response = np.concatenate( ( [ 0.0, ], np.array(np.exp(response)), ) ) except ValueError: try: # Attempt to read CXRO format with open(filepath) as f: contents = f.readlines() for line in contents[2:]: tmp = line.strip().split() E_eV.append(float(tmp[0])) response.append(float(tmp[1])) E_eV = np.concatenate( ( [ 0.0, ], np.array(E_eV), ) ) response = np.concatenate( ( [ 0.0, ], np.array(response), ) ) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Unrecognized filter function format...") if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.semilogx(E_eV, response) ax.set_xlabel("Photon energy [eV]") ax.set_ylabel("Detector response efficiency") plt.tight_layout() return E_eV, response
[docs]def get_atom_data(imp, files=["acd", "scd"]): """Collect atomic data for a given impurity from all types of ADAS files available or for only those requested. Parameters ---------- imp : str Atomic symbol of impurity ion. files : list or dict ADAS file types to be fetched. Default is ["acd","scd"] for effective ionization and recombination rates (excluding CX) using default files, listed in :py:func:`~aurora.adas_files_adas_files_dict`. If users prefer to use specific files, they may pass a dictionary instead, of the form .. code-block:: python {'acd': 'acd89_ar.dat', 'scd': 'scd89_ar.dat'} or .. code-block:: python {'acd': 'acd89_ar.dat', 'scd': None} if only some of the files need specifications and others (given as None) should be taken from the default files. Returns ------- atom_data : dict Dictionary containing data for each of the requested files. Each entry of the dictionary gives log-10 of ne, log-10 of Te and log-10 of the data as attributes res.logNe, res.logT, res.logdata, res.meta_ind, res.metastables """ try: # default files dictionary # all default files for a given species all_files = adas_files.adas_files_dict()[imp] except KeyError: raise KeyError(f"ADAS data not available for ion {imp}!") if isinstance(files, dict): # user provided files choices as a dictionary for filename in files: if files[filename] is not None: all_files[filename] = files[filename] # exclude files not of interest keys_to_delete = [key for key in all_files if key not in files] for key in keys_to_delete: del all_files[key] for filecheck in files: if filecheck not in all_files: raise ValueError(f"Could not fetch {imp} {filecheck.upper()} file!") atom_data = {} for filetype in all_files: # find location of required ADF11 file fileloc = adas_files.get_adas_file_loc(all_files[filetype], filetype="adf11") # load specific file and add it to output dictionary res = adas_file(fileloc) atom_data[filetype] = adas_file(fileloc) # {'lne': res.logNe, 'lte': res.logT, 'ldata':, #'meta_ind': res.meta_ind, 'meta': res.metastables} return atom_data
[docs]def null_space(A): """Find null space of matrix `A`.""" u, s, vh = svd(A, full_matrices=True) Q = vh[-1, :].T.conj() # -1 index is after infinite time/equilibration # return the smallest singular eigenvalue return Q, s[-2] # matrix is singular, so last index is ~0
[docs]def superstage_rates(R, S, superstages, save_time=None): """Compute rate for a set of ion superstages. Input and output rates are log-values in arbitrary base. Parameters ---------- R : array (time,nZ,space) Array containing the effective recombination rates for all ion stages, These are typically combinations of radiative and dielectronic recombination, possibly also of charge exchange recombination. S : array (time,nZ,space) Array containing the effective ionization rates for all ion stages. superstages : list or 1D array Indices of charge states of chosen ion that should be included. save_time : list or 1D array of bools Indices of the timeslcies which are actually returned by AURORA Returns ------- superstages : array Set of superstages including 0,1 and final stages if these were missing in the input. R_rates_super : array (time,nZ-super,space) effective recombination rates for superstages S_rates_super : array (time,nZ-super,space) effective ionization rates for superstages fz_upstage : array (space, nZ, time_ fractional abundances of stages within superstages """ Z_imp = S.shape[1] # check input superstages if 1 not in superstages: print("Warning: 1th superstage was included") superstages = np.r_[1, superstages] if 0 not in superstages: print("Warning: 0th superstage was included") superstages = np.r_[0, superstages] if np.any(np.diff(superstages) <= 0): print("Warning: sorted superstages in increasing order") superstages = np.sort(superstages) if superstages[-1] > Z_imp: raise Exception("The highest superstage must be less than Z_imp = %d" % Z_imp) superstages = np.array(superstages) # indexing that accounts for no recomb of neutral stage or ionization of full-stripped stage R_rates_super = R[:, superstages[1:] - 1] S_rates_super = S[:, superstages[1:] - 1] if len(S) == 1 or save_time is None: # time averaged kinetic profiles t_slice = slice(None, None) nt = 1 else: # time resolved kinetic profiles t_slice = save_time nt = save_time.sum() # fractional abundance of supestages used for upstaging. fz_upstage = np.ones((R.shape[-1], Z_imp + 1, nt)) # add fully-stripped charge state _superstages = np.r_[superstages, Z_imp + 1] for i in range(len(_superstages) - 1): if _superstages[i] + 1 != _superstages[i + 1]: sind = slice(_superstages[i] - 1, _superstages[i + 1] - 1) # calculate fractional abundances within the superstage rate_ratio = S[:, sind] / R[:, sind] fz = np.cumprod(rate_ratio, axis=1) fz /= np.maximum(1e-60, fz.sum(1))[:, None] # prevents zero division # superstage rates R_rates_super[:, i - 1] *= np.maximum(fz[:, 0], 1e-60) if i < len(_superstages) - 2: # last superstage cannot ionize further S_rates_super[:, i] *= np.maximum(fz[:, -1], 1e-60) # fractional abundances inside of each superstage fz_upstage[:, _superstages[i] : _superstages[i + 1]] = fz.T[:, :, t_slice] return superstages, R_rates_super, S_rates_super, fz_upstage
[docs]def get_frac_abundances( atom_data, ne_cm3, Te_eV=None, Ti_eV=None, n0_by_ne=0.0, superstages=[], plot=True, ax=None, rho=None, rho_lbl=None, ): r"""Calculate fractional abundances from ionization and recombination equilibrium. If n0_by_ne is not 0, radiative recombination and thermal charge exchange are summed. This method can work with ne,Te and n0_by_ne arrays of arbitrary dimension, but plotting is only supported in 1D (defaults to flattened arrays). Parameters ---------- atom_data : dictionary of atomic ADAS files (only acd, scd are required; ccd is necessary only if include_cx=True) ne_cm3 : float or array Electron density in units of :math:`cm^{-3}` Te_eV : float or array, optional Electron temperature in units of eV. If left to None, the Te grid given in the atomic data is used. Ti_eV : float or array, optional Bulk ion temperature in units of eV. If left to None, Ti is set to be equal to Te n0_by_ne: float or array, optional Ratio of background neutral hydrogen to electron density. If not 0, CX is considered. superstages : list or 1D array Indices of charge states of chosen ion that should be included. If left empty, all ion stages are included. If only some indices are given, these are modeled as "superstages". plot : bool, optional Show fractional abundances as a function of ne,Te profiles parameterization. ax : matplotlib.pyplot Axes instance Axes on which to plot if plot=True. If False, it creates new axes rho : list or array, optional Vector of radial coordinates on which ne,Te (and possibly n0_by_ne) are given. This is only used for plotting, if given. rho_lbl: str, optional Label to be used for rho. If left to None, defaults to a general "x". Returns ------- Te : array electron temperatures as a function of which the fractional abundances and rate coefficients are given. fz : array, (space,nZ) Fractional abundances across the same grid used by the input ne,Te values. """ # if input arrays are multi-dimensional, flatten them here and restructure at the end _ne = np.ravel(ne_cm3) _Te = np.ravel(Te_eV) if Te_eV is not None else None _Ti = np.ravel(Ti_eV) if Ti_eV is not None else _Te _n0_by_ne = np.ravel(n0_by_ne) if superstages is None: superstages = [] include_cx = False if not np.any(n0_by_ne) else True out = get_cs_balance_terms(atom_data, _ne, _Te, _Ti, include_cx=include_cx) Te, Sne, Rne = out[:3] Z_imp = Sne.shape[1] if include_cx: # Get an effective recombination rate by summing radiative & CX recombination rates Rne += n0_by_ne[:, None] * out[3] rate_ratio = np.hstack((np.ones_like(Te)[:, None], Sne / Rne)) fz_full = np.cumprod(rate_ratio, axis=1) fz_full /= fz_full.sum(1)[:, None] # Enable use of superstages if len(superstages): # superstage_rates expects values in shape (time,nZ,space) superstages, Rne, Sne, _ = superstage_rates( Rne.T[None], Sne.T[None], superstages ) Rne = Rne[0].T Sne = Sne[0].T rate_ratio = np.hstack((np.ones_like(Te)[:, None], Sne / Rne)) fz_super = np.cumprod(rate_ratio, axis=1) fz_super /= fz_super.sum(1)[:, None] # bundled stages can have very high values -- clip here Rne = np.clip(Rne, 1e-25, 1) Sne = np.clip(Sne, 1e-25, 1) _superstages = np.r_[superstages, Z_imp + 1] if plot: # plot fractional abundances (only 1D) if ax is None: fig, axx = plt.subplots() else: axx = ax if rho is None: x = Te axx.set_xlabel("T$_e$ [eV]") axx.set_xscale("log") else: if rho_lbl is None: rho_lbl = "x" x = rho axx.set_xlabel(rho_lbl) axx.set_prop_cycle("color", cm.plasma(np.linspace(0, 1, fz_full.shape[1]))) css = 0 for cs in range(fz_full.shape[1]): l = axx.semilogy(x, fz_full[:, cs], ls="--") imax = np.argmax(fz_full[:, cs]) axx.text( np.max([0.1, x[imax]]), fz_full[imax, cs], cs, horizontalalignment="center", clip_on=True, ) if len(superstages) and cs in _superstages: axx.semilogy(x, fz_super[:, css], c=l[0].get_color(), ls="-") imax = np.argmax(fz_super[:, css]) if _superstages[css] == Z_imp: lbl = r"\{" + f"{_superstages[css]}" + r"\}" else: if _superstages[css] != _superstages[css + 1] - 1: lbl = ( r"\{" + f"{_superstages[css]},{_superstages[css+1]-1}" + r"\}" ) else: lbl = r"\{" + f"{_superstages[css]}" + r"\}" axx.text( np.max([0.05, x[imax]]), fz_super[imax, css], lbl, horizontalalignment="center", clip_on=True, backgroundcolor="w", ) css += 1 axx.grid("on") axx.set_ylim(1e-2, 1.5) axx.set_xlim(x[0], x[-1]) plt.tight_layout() if np.size(ne_cm3) > 1: # re-structure to original array dimensions Te = Te.reshape(np.array(ne_cm3).shape) fz_full = fz_full.reshape(*np.array(ne_cm3).shape, fz_full.shape[1]) if len(superstages): fz_super = fz_super.reshape(*np.array(ne_cm3).shape, fz_super.shape[1]) return [Te,] + [ fz_super if len(superstages) else fz_full, ]
[docs]def get_cs_balance_terms( atom_data, ne_cm3=5e13, Te_eV=None, Ti_eV=None, include_cx=True, metastables=False ): """Get S*ne, R*ne and cx*ne rates on the same logTe grid. Parameters ---------- atom_data : dictionary of atomic ADAS files (only acd, scd are required; ccd is necessary only if include_cx=True) ne_cm3 : float or array Electron density in units of :math:`cm^{-3}` Te_eV : float or array Electron temperature in units of eV. If left to None, the Te grid given in the atomic data is used. Ti_eV : float or array Bulk ion temperature in units of eV, only needed for CX. If left to None, Ti is set equal to Te. include_cx : bool If True, obtain charge exchange terms as well. Returns ------- Te : array (n_Te) Te grid on which atomic rates are given Sne, Rne (,cxne, Qne, Xne): arrays (n_ne,n_Te) atomic rates for effective ionization, radiative+dielectronic recombination (+ charge exchange, + crosscoupling if requested). All terms will be in units of :math:`s^{-1}`. Notes ----- The nomenclature with 'ne' at the end of rate names indicates that these are rates in units of :math:`m^3\cdot s^{-1}` multiplied by the electron density 'ne' (hence, final units of :math:`s^{-1}`). """ if Te_eV is None: # find smallest Te grid from all files logTe1 = atom_data["scd"].logT logTe2 = atom_data["acd"].logT minTe = max(logTe1[0], logTe2[0]) maxTe = min(logTe1[-1], logTe2[-1]) # avoid extrapolation if include_cx: logTe3 = atom_data["ccd"].logT # thermal cx recombination minTe = max(minTe, logTe3[0]) maxTe = min(maxTe, logTe3[-1]) # avoid extrapolation Te_eV = np.logspace(minTe, maxTe, 200) logne = np.log10(ne_cm3) logTe = np.log10(Te_eV) Sne = interp_atom_prof(atom_data["scd"], logne, logTe, x_multiply=True) Rne = interp_atom_prof(atom_data["acd"], logne, logTe, x_multiply=True) out = [Te_eV, Sne, Rne] if include_cx: # this should be neutral temperature? or weighted Ti and T0 temperature? logTi = np.log10(Ti_eV) if Ti_eV is not None else logTe cxne = interp_atom_prof(atom_data["ccd"], logne, logTi, x_multiply=True) # select appropriate number of charge states # this allows use of CCD files from higher-Z ions because of simple CX scaling out.append(cxne[:, : Sne.shape[1]]) if metastables: Qne = interp_atom_prof(atom_data["qcd"], logne, logTe, x_multiply=True) Xne = interp_atom_prof(atom_data["xcd"], logne, logTe, x_multiply=True) out += [Qne, Xne] return out
[docs]def get_atomic_relax_time( atom_data, ne_cm3, Te_eV=None, Ti_eV=None, n0_by_ne=0.0, superstages=[], tau_s=np.inf, plot=True, ax=None, ls="-", ): r"""Obtain the relaxation time of the ionization equilibrium for a given atomic species. If n0_by_ne is not 0, thermal charge exchange is added to radiative and dielectronic recombination. This function can work with ne,Te and n0_by_ne arrays of arbitrary dimension. It uses a matrix SVD approach in order to find the relaxation rates, as opposed to the simpler approach of :py:func:`~aurora.get_frac_abundances`, but fractional abundances produced by the two methods should always be the same. This function also allows use of superstages as well as specification of a :math:`\tau` value representing the effect of transport on the ionization equilibrium. NB: this is only a rough metric to characterize complex physics. Parameters ---------- atom_data : dictionary of atomic ADAS files (only acd, scd are required; ccd is necessary only if n0_by_ne is not 0). ne_cm3 : float or array Electron density in units of :math:`cm^{-3}`. Te_eV : float or array, optional Electron temperature in units of eV. If left to None, the Te grid given in the atomic data is used. Ti_eV : float or array Bulk ion temperature in units of eV, only needed for CX. If left to None, Ti is set equal to Te. n0_by_ne: float or array, optional Ratio of background neutral hydrogen to electron density. If set to 0, CX is not considered. superstages : list or 1D array Indices of charge states of chosen ion that should be included. If left empty, all ion stages are included. If only some indices are given, these are modeled as "superstages". tau_s : float, opt Value of the particle residence time [s]. This is a scalar value that can be used to model the effect of transport on ionization equilibrium. Setting tau=np.inf (default) corresponds to no effect from transport. plot : bool, optional If True, the atomic relaxation time is plotted as a function of Te. Default is True. ax : matplotlib.pyplot Axes instance Axes on which to plot if plot=True. If False, new axes are created. ls : str, optional Line style for plots. Continuous lines are used by default. Returns ------- Te : array electron temperatures as a function of which the fractional abundances and rate coefficients are given. fz : array, (space,nZ) Fractional abundances across the same grid used by the input ne,Te values. rate_coeffs : array, (space, nZ) Rate coefficients in units of [:math:`s^{-1}`]. Examples -------- To visualize relaxation times for a given species: >>> atom_data = aurora.atomic.get_atom_data('N', ["scd", "acd"]) >>> aurora.get_atomic_relax_time(atom_data, [1e14], Te_eV=np.linspace(0.1,200,1000), plot=True) To compare ionization balance with different values of ne*tau: >>> Te0, fz0, r0 = aurora.get_atomic_relax_time(atom_data, [1e14], Te_eV=np.linspace(0.1,200,1000), tau_s=1e-3, plot=False) >>> Te1, fz1, r1 = aurora.get_atomic_relax_time(atom_data, [1e14], Te_eV=np.linspace(0.1,200,1000), tau_s=1e-2, plot=False) >>> Te2, fz2, r2 = aurora.get_atomic_relax_time(atom_data, [1e14], Te_eV=np.linspace(0.1,200,1000), tau_s=1e-1, plot=False) >>> >>> plt.figure() >>> for cs in np.arange(fz0.shape[1]): >>> l = plt.plot(Te0, fz0[:,cs], ls='-') >>> plt.plot(Te1, fz1[:,cs], c=l[0].get_color(), ls='--') >>> plt.plot(Te2, fz2[:,cs], c=l[0].get_color(), ls='-.') """ # if input arrays are multi-dimensional, flatten them here and restructure at the end _ne = np.ravel(ne_cm3) _Te = np.ravel(Te_eV) if Te_eV is not None else None _Ti = np.ravel(Ti_eV) if Ti_eV is not None else _Te _n0_by_ne = np.ravel(n0_by_ne) include_cx = False if not np.any(n0_by_ne) else True out = get_cs_balance_terms(atom_data, _ne, _Te, include_cx=include_cx) Te, Sne, Rne = out[:3] if include_cx: # Get an effective recombination rate by summing radiative & CX recombination rates Rne += out[3] * _n0_by_ne # Enable use of superstages if len(superstages): _, Rne, Sne, _ = superstage_rates(Rne, Sne, superstages) # numerical method that calculates also rate_coeffs nion = Rne.shape[1] fz = np.zeros((Te.size, nion + 1)) rate_coeffs = np.zeros(Te.size) for it, t in enumerate(Te): A = ( -np.diag(np.r_[Sne[it], 0] + np.r_[0, Rne[it]] + 1.0 / tau_s) + np.diag(Sne[it], -1) + np.diag(Rne[it], 1) ) N, rate_coeffs[it] = null_space(A) fz[it] = N / np.sum(N) if np.size(ne_cm3) > 1: # re-structure to original array dimensions Te = Te.reshape(np.shape(ne_cm3)) fz = fz.reshape(*np.shape(ne_cm3), fz.shape[1]) rate_coeffs = rate_coeffs.reshape(np.shape(ne_cm3)) if plot: # Now plot relaxation times if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.loglog(Te, 1e3 / rate_coeffs, "b") ax.set_xlim(Te[0], Te[-1]) ax.grid("on") ax.set_xlabel("T$_e$ [eV]") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\tau_\mathrm{relax}$ [ms]") return Te, fz, rate_coeffs
[docs]class CartesianGrid: """Fast linear interpolation for 1D and 2D vector data on equally spaced grids. This offers optimal speed in Python for interpolation of atomic data tables such as the ADAS ones. Parameters ---------- grids: list of arrays, N=len(grids), N=1 or N=2 List of 1D arrays with equally spaced grid values for each dimension values: N+1 dimensional array of values used for interpolation Values to interpolate. The first dimension typically refers to different ion stages, for which data is provided on the input grids. Other dimensions refer to values on the density and temperature grids. """ def __init__(self, grids, values): values = np.ascontiguousarray(np.moveaxis(values, 0, -1)) self.N = values.shape[:-1] if len(self.N) > 2: raise valueError("Only 1 and 2 dimensional interpolation is supported") for g, s in zip(grids, self.N): if len(g) != s: raise ValueError("wrong size of values array") self.eq_spaced_grid = np.all( [np.std(np.diff(g)) / np.std(g) < 0.01 for g in grids] ) if self.eq_spaced_grid: self.offsets = [g[0] for g in grids] self.scales = [(g[-1] - g[0]) / (n - 1) for g, n in zip(grids, self.N)] else: self.grids = grids A = [] if len(self.N) == 1: A.append(values[:-1]) A.append(values[1:] - A[0]) if len(self.N) == 2: A.append(values[:-1, :-1]) A.append(values[1:, :-1] - A[0]) A.append(values[:-1, 1:] - A[0]) A.append(values[1:, 1:] - A[2] - A[1] - A[0]) self.A = A def __call__(self, *coords): """Evaluate the interpolation at the input `coords` values. This offers optimally-fast linear interpolation for 1D and 2D dimensional vector data on a equally spaced grids Parameters ---------- coords: list of arrays List of 1D arrays for the N coordines (N=1 or N=2). These arrays must be of the same shape. """ if self.eq_spaced_grid: coords = np.array(coords).T coords -= self.offsets coords /= self.scales coords = coords.T else: # for non-equally spaced grids must be used linear interpolation to map inputs to equally spaced indexes coords = [ np.interp(c, g, np.arange(len(g))) for c, g in zip(coords, self.grids) ] # clip dimension - it will extrapolation by a nearest value for coord, n in zip(coords, self.N): np.clip(coord, 0, n - 1.00001, coord) # # get indicies x and weights dx x = np.int16(coords) # fast floor(x) function coords -= x # frac(x) dx = coords[..., None] # prepare coefficients if len(self.N) == 1: # linear interpolation # inplace evaluate linear interpolation inter_out = self.A[1][x[0]] inter_out *= dx[0] inter_out += self.A[0][x[0]] else: # bilinear interpolation # inplace evaluate linear interpolation inter_out = self.A[1][x[0], x[1]] inter_out *= dx[0] inter_out += self.A[0][x[0], x[1]] _tmp = self.A[3][x[0], x[1]] _tmp *= dx[0] _tmp += self.A[2][x[0], x[1]] _tmp *= dx[1] inter_out += _tmp return np.moveaxis(inter_out, -1, 0)
[docs]def interp_atom_prof(atom_table, xprof, yprof, log_val=False, x_multiply=True): r"""Fast interpolate atomic data in atom_table onto the xprof and yprof profiles. This function assume that xprof, yprof, x, y, table are all base-10 logarithms, and xprof, yprof are equally spaced. Parameters ---------- atom_table : list object atom_data, containing atomic data from one of the ADAS files. xprof : array (nt,nr) Spatio-temporal profiles of the first coordinate of the ADAS file table (usually electron density in :math:`cm^{-3}`) yprof : array (nt,nr) Spatio-temporal profiles of the second coordinate of the ADAS file table (usually electron temperature in :math:`eV`) log_val : bool If True, return natural logarithm of the data x_multiply : bool If True, multiply output by :math:`10^{xprof}`. Returns ------- interp_vals : array (nt,nion,nr) Interpolated atomic data on time,charge state and spatial grid that correspond to the ion of interest and the spatiotemporal grids of xprof and yprof. Notes ------- This function uses `np.log10` and exponential operations to optimize speed, since it has been observed that base-e operations are faster than base-10 operations in numpy. """ x = atom_table.logNe y = atom_table.logT table = atom_table.logdata if x_multiply: # multiplying of logarithms is just adding table = table + x # don't modify original table, create copy if (abs(table - table[..., [0]]) < 0.05).all() or xprof is None: # 1D interpolation if independent of the last dimension - like SXR radiation data reg_interp = CartesianGrid((y,), table[:, :, 0] * np.log(10)) interp_vals = reg_interp(yprof) else: # 2D interpolation # broadcast both variables to the same shape xprof, yprof = np.broadcast_arrays(xprof, yprof) # perform fast linear interpolation reg_interp = CartesianGrid((x, y), table.swapaxes(1, 2) * np.log(10)) interp_vals = reg_interp(xprof, yprof) # reshape to shape(nt,nion,nr) interp_vals = interp_vals.swapaxes(0, 1) if not log_val: # return actual value, not logarithm np.exp(interp_vals, out=interp_vals) return interp_vals
[docs]def gff_mean(Z, Te): """ Total free-free gaunt factor yielding the total radiated bremsstrahlung power when multiplying with the result for gff=1. Data originally from Karzas & Latter, extracted from STRAHL's atomic_data.f. """ from scipy.constants import e, h, c, Rydberg thirteenpointsix = h * c * Rydberg / e log_gamma2_grid = [ -3.000, -2.833, -2.667, -2.500, -2.333, -2.167, -2.000, -1.833, -1.667, -1.500, -1.333, -1.167, -1.000, -0.833, -0.667, -0.500, -0.333, -0.167, 0.000, 0.167, 0.333, 0.500, 0.667, 0.833, 1.000, ] gff_mean_grid = [ 1.140, 1.149, 1.159, 1.170, 1.181, 1.193, 1.210, 1.233, 1.261, 1.290, 1.318, 1.344, 1.370, 1.394, 1.416, 1.434, 1.445, 1.448, 1.440, 1.418, 1.389, 1.360, 1.336, 1.317, 1.300, ] # set min Te here to 10 eV, because the grid above does not extend to lower temperatures Te = np.maximum(Te, 10.0) log_gamma2 = np.log10(Z**2 * thirteenpointsix / Te) # dangerous/inaccurate extrapolation... return np.interp(log_gamma2, log_gamma2_grid, gff_mean_grid)
[docs]def impurity_brems(nz, ne, Te, freq="all", cutoff=0.1): """Approximate impurity bremsstrahlung in :math:`W/m^3`for a given range of frequencies or a specific frequency. We apply here a cutoff for Bremsstrahlung at h*c/lambda = cutoff*Te, where `cutoff` is an input parameter, conventionally set to 0.1 (default). Gaunt factors from :py:func:`~aurora.atomic.gff_mean` are applied. NB: recombination is not included. Formulation based on Hutchinson's Principles of Plasma Diagnostics, p. 196, Eq. (5.3.40). Parameters ---------- nz : array (time,nZ,space) Densities for each charge state [:math:`cm^{-3}`] ne : array (time,space) Electron density [:math:`cm^{-3}`] Te : array (time,space) Electron temperature [:math:`cm^{-3}`] freq : float, 1D array, or str If a float, calculate bremsstrahlung from all charge states at this frequency. If a 1D array, evaluate bremsstrahlung at these wavelengths. If set to `all`, then bremsstrahlung is integrated over the whole range from plasma frequency to cutoff Frequencies are expected in units of :math:`s^{-1}`. cutoff : float Fraction of Te below which bremsstrahlung is set to 0. A value of 0.1 is commonly set and is the default. Returns ------- array (time,nZ,space): Bremsstrahlung for each charge state at the given frequency or, if multiple frequences are given (or if `freq='all'`), integrated over frequencies. Units of :math:`W/cm^3`. """ Z_imp = nz.shape[1] - 1 Z = np.arange(Z_imp)[None, :, None] + 1 gff = gff_mean(Z, Te[:, None]) # take cutoff frequency to be cutoff*Te cut = cutoff * Te * constants.e / (constants.h) # plasma frequency (divide by 2pi to have units of Hz) fp = np.sqrt( 1e6 * ne * constants.e**2 / (constants.epsilon_0 * constants.m_e)) / (2 * np.pi) # constant in Hutchinson Eq. 5.3.10 const = ( 32 * np.pi**2 / (3 * np.sqrt(3) * constants.m_e**2 * constants.c**3) * (constants.e**2 / (4 * np.pi * constants.epsilon_0)) ** 3 * np.sqrt(2 * constants.m_e / np.pi) ) # conversion factor to eventually have result in units of W/cm^3 rather than W/m^3 const *= 1e-6 a = -constants.h / (Te * constants.e) if freq == 'all': intV = (np.exp(a*cut)-np.exp(a*fp))/a else: freq = np.atleast_1d(freq)[:,None,None] intV = np.exp(a* freq) # set brems to 0 below plasma frequency and above chosen cutoff frequency intV[(freq < fp)|(freq > cut )] = 0 brs = 4* np.pi * Z**2 * nz[:, 1:] * gff * (ne * 1e12 * const / np.sqrt(Te * constants.e) * intV)[... ,None,:] return brs
[docs]def plot_norm_ion_freq( S_z, q_prof, R_prof, imp_A, Ti_prof, nz_profs=None, rhop=None, plot=True, eps_prof=None, ): r"""Compare effective ionization rate for each charge state with the characteristic transit time that passing and trapped impurity ions take to travel a parallel distance :math:`L = q R`, defining .. math:: \nu_{ion}^* \equiv \nu_{ion} \tau_t = \nu_{ion} \frac{q R}{v_{th}} = \frac{\sum_z n_z \nu_z^{ion}}{\sum_z n_z} q R \sqrt{\frac{m_{imp}}{2 k_B T_i}} following Ref.[1]_. If the normalized ionization rate (:math:`\nu_{ion}^*`) is less than 1, then flux surface averaging of background asymmetries (e.g. from edge or beam neutrals) may be taken as a good approximation of reality; in this case, 1.5D simulations of impurity transport are expected to be valid. If, on the other hand, :math:`\nu_{ion}^*>1` then local effects may be too important to ignore. Parameters ---------- S_z : array (r,cs) [:math:`s^{-1}`] Effective ionization rates for each charge state as a function of radius. Note that, for convenience within aurora, cs includes the neutral stage. q_prof : array (r,) Radial profile of safety factor R_prof : array (r,) or float [m] Radial profile of major radius, either given as an average of HFS and LFS, or also simply as a scalar (major radius on axis) imp_A : float [amu] Atomic mass number, i.e. number of protons + neutrons (e.g. 2 for D) Ti_prof : array (r,) Radial profile of ion temperature [:math:`eV`] nz_profs : array (r,cs), optional Radial profile for each charge state. If provided, calculate average normalized ionization rate over all charge states. rhop : array (r,), optional Sqrt of poloidal flux radial grid. This is used only for (optional) plotting. plot : bool, optional If True, plot results. eps_prof : array (r,), optional Radial profile of inverse aspect ratio, i.e. r/R, only used if plotting is requested. Returns ------- nu_ioniz_star : array (r,cs) or (r,) Normalized ionization rate. If nz_profs is given as an input, this is an average over all charge state; otherwise, it is given for each charge state. References ---------- .. [1] R.Dux et al. Nucl. Fusion 60 (2020) 126039 """ nu = np.zeros( (S_z.shape[0], S_z.shape[1] - 1) ) # exclude neutral states, which have no parallel transport for cs in np.arange(nu.shape[1]): nu[:, cs] = ( S_z[:, cs + 1] * q_prof * R_prof * np.sqrt((imp_A * constants.m_p) / (2 * Ti_prof * constants.e)) ) if nz_profs is not None: # calculate average nu_ioniz_star nu_ioniz_star = np.sum(nz_profs[:, 1:] * nu, axis=1) / np.sum( nz_profs[:, 1:], axis=1 ) else: # return normalized ionization rate for each charge state nu_ioniz_star = nu if plot: if rhop is None: rhop = np.arange(nu.shape[0]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() if nu_ioniz_star.ndim == 1: ax.semilogy(rhop, nu_ioniz_star, label=r"$\nu_{ion}^*$") else: for cs in np.arange(nu.shape[1]): ax.semilogy(rhop, nu_ioniz_star[:, cs], label=f"q={cs+1}") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\nu_{ion}^*$") ax.set_xlabel(r"$\rho_p$") if eps_prof is not None: ax.semilogy(rhop, np.sqrt(eps_prof), label=r"$\sqrt{\epsilon}$") ax.legend().set_draggable(True) ax.set_xlim([0, 1])
[docs]def read_adf12(filename, block, Ebeam, ne_cm3, Ti_eV, zeff): """Read charge exchange effective emission coefficients from ADAS ADF12 files. Files may be automatically downloaded using :py:fun:`~aurora.adas_files.get_adas_file_loc`. Parameters ---------- filename : str adf12 file name/path block : int Source block selected Ebeam : float Energy of the neutral beam population of interest, in units of :math:`eV/amu`. ne_cm3 : float or 1D array Electron densities at which to evaluate coefficients, in units of :math:`cm^{-3}`. Ti_eV : float or 1D array Bulk ion temperature at which to evaluate coefficients, in units of :math:`eV`. Zeff : float or 1D array Effective background charge. Returns ------- float or 1D array : Interpolated coefficients, units of :math:`cm^3/s`. """ with open(filename, "r") as f: nlines = int(f.readline()) for iline in range(block): cer_line = {} params = [] first_line = "0" while not first_line[0].isalpha(): first_line = f.readline() cer_line["header"] = first_line cer_line["qefref"] = np.float(f.readline()[:63].replace("D", "e")) cer_line["parmref"] = np.float_(f.readline()[:63].replace("D", "e").split()) cer_line["nparmsc"] = np.int_(f.readline()[:63].split()) for ipar, npar in enumerate(cer_line["nparmsc"]): for q in range(2): data = [] while npar > len(data): line = f.readline() if len(line) > 63: name = line[63:].strip().lower() cer_line[name] = [] if q == 0: params.append(name) values = np.float_(line[:63].replace("D", "E").split()) values = values[values > 0] if not len(values): continue data += values.tolist() cer_line[name] = data # interpolate in logspace lqefref = np.log(cer_line["qefref"]) lnq = np.zeros(np.broadcast(Ebeam, ne_cm3, Ti_eV, zeff).shape) lnq += lqefref * (1 - 4) lnq += np.interp(np.log(Ti_eV), np.log(cer_line["tiev"]), np.log(cer_line["qtiev"])) lnq += np.interp( np.log(ne_cm3), np.log(cer_line["densi"]), np.log(cer_line["qdensi"]) ) lnq += np.interp(np.log(Ebeam), np.log(cer_line["ener"]), np.log(cer_line["qener"])) lnq += np.interp(np.log(zeff), np.log(cer_line["zeff"]), np.log(cer_line["qzeff"])) return np.exp(lnq)
[docs]def read_adf21(filename, Ebeam, ne_cm3, Te_eV): """Read ADAS ADF21 or ADF22 files. ADF21 files contain effective beam stopping/excitation coefficients. ADF22 contain effective beam emission/population coefficients. Files may be automatically downloaded using :py:fun:`~aurora.adas_files.get_adas_file_loc`. Parameters ---------- filename : str adf21 or adf22 file name/path Ebeam : float Energy of the neutral beam, in units of :math:`eV/amu`. ne_cm3 : float or 1D array Electron densities at which to evaluate coefficients. Te_eV : float or 1D array Electron temperature at which to evaluate coefficients. Returns ------- float or 1D array : Interpolated coefficients. For ADF21 files, these have units of :math:`cm^3/s`for ADF21 files. For ADF22, they correspond to n=2 fractional abundances. """ with open(filename, "r") as f: line = f.readline() ref = float(line.split()[1].split("=")[1]) f.readline() line = f.readline() nE, nne, Teref = line.split() nE, nne = int(nE), int(nne) Teref = float(Teref.split("=")[1]) f.readline() E = [] while len(E) < nE: line = f.readline() E.extend([float(f) for f in line.split()]) E = np.array(E) ne = [] while len(ne) < nne: line = f.readline() ne.extend([float(f) for f in line.split()]) ne = np.array(ne) f.readline() Q2 = [] while len(Q2) < nne * nE: line = f.readline() Q2.extend([float(f) for f in line.split()]) Q2 = np.reshape(Q2, (nne, nE)) f.readline() line = f.readline() nTe, Eref, Neref = line.split() nTe, Eref, Neref = ( int(nTe), float(Eref.split("=")[1]), float(Neref.split("=")[1]), ) f.readline() Te = [] while len(Te) < nTe: line = f.readline() Te.extend([float(f) for f in line.split()]) Te = np.array(Te) f.readline() Q1 = [] while len(Q1) < nTe: line = f.readline() Q1.extend([float(f) for f in line.split()]) Q1 = np.array(Q1) # clip data in available range to avoid extrapolation Ebeam = np.clip(Ebeam, *E[[0, -1]]) ne_cm3 = np.clip(ne_cm3, *ne[[0, -1]]) Te_eV = np.clip(Te_eV, *Te[[0, -1]]) lref = np.log(ref) # interpolate on the requested values RectInt1 = interp.interp1d( np.log(Te), np.log(Q1) - lref, assume_sorted=True, kind="quadratic" ) RectInt2 = interp.RectBivariateSpline( np.log(ne), np.log(E), np.log(Q2) - lref, kx=2, ky=2 ) adf = RectInt1(np.log(Te_eV)) + RectInt2.ev(np.log(ne_cm3), np.log(Ebeam)) return np.exp(adf + lref)
[docs]def get_natural_partition(ion, plot=True): """Identify natural partition of charge states by plotting the variation of ionization energy as a function of charge for a given ion, using the ADAS metric :math:`2 (I_{z+1}-I_z)/(I_{z+1}+I_z)`. Parameters ---------- ion : str Atomic symbol of species of interest. plot : bool If True, plot the variation of ionization energy. Returns ------- q : 1D array Metric to identify natural partition. Notes ----- A ColRadPy installation must be available for this function to work. """ try: # temporarily import this here, until ColRadPy dependency can be set up properly import colradpy except ImportError: raise ValueError( "Could not import colradpy. Install this from the Github repo!" ) # find location of files containing NIST data colradpy_dist = os.sep.join(colradpy.__file__.split(os.sep)[:-2]) loc = colradpy_dist + os.sep + "atomic" + os.sep + "nist_energies" # find energies for each charge state of interest _E_eV = [] cs = [] for filename in os.listdir(loc): if not filename.startswith("#") and not filename.endswith("~"): _ion = filename.split("_")[0] if _ion != ion.lower(): continue charge = int(filename.split("_")[1]) # read energy from file with open(loc + os.sep + filename, "r") as f: cont = f.readlines() # last value is energy in cm^-1 E_cm_val = float(cont[-1].split(",")[-1].strip("/n")) E_eV_val = constants.h * constants.c / constants.e * (E_cm_val * 100.0) cs.append(charge) _E_eV.append(E_eV_val) idx = np.argsort(cs) E_eV = np.array(_E_eV)[idx] # compute ADAS natural partitioning metric q = [] for i in np.arange(1, len(E_eV) - 1): q.append(2 * (E_eV[i + 1] - E_eV[i]) / (E_eV[i + 1] + E_eV[i])) if plot: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(np.arange(len(q)), q) ax.set_xlabel("Z") ax.set_title(r"$2\times (I_{z+1}-I_z)/(I_{z+1}+I_z)$") # take running mean over 7 adjacent charge states as indicated by Foster's thesis q_mean = np.convolve(q, np.ones(7) / 7, mode="same") plt.plot(q_mean) return q